An institution dedicated to providing students from all over the world the means to undertake international studies, from a historical, legal, economic, political and social perspective.

HEI - Graduate Institute of International Studies
132, rue de Lausanne
P.O. Box 36
1211 Geneva 21
Main phone : +41 22 908 57 00
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Global health disruptors: Migration

Global health disruptors: Migration

How can we ensure the health of migrants, asks Michaela Told

thebmjopinion "Migration has always been part of human history. The overall number of migrants across the world has remained stable over the past decade, but in recent years we have seen an unprecedented level of movement of people resulting from conflict, persecution, violence, poverty, economic disparities and climate change, which is disrupting global health. This escalation in the numbers of documented and undocumented migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and internally displaced people has exposed two critical factors." (Photo: Rassemblement à Paris pour l’Aquarius et le sauvetage des migrants en Méditerranée/Jeanne Menjoulet/flickr, CC BY 2.0)

Pocket Guide to Gender Mainstreaming

Pocket Guide to Gender Mainstreaming

Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies The Global Health Centre and the Women in Global Health together developed a Pocket Guide to Gender Mainstreaming for global health workers, Member State delegates, and international organisation team leaders and members.

Global Health Leadership: Electing the WHO director-General

Global Health Leadership: Electing the WHO director-General

Global Health Centre Working Paper NO. 16 | 2017 | By Ilona Kickbusch and Austin Liu

Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies “Global Health Leadership” is critical because effective leadership in governing the global health domain can significantly improve people’s health and lives. The Director-General of the World Health Organization has a special, powerful and important role as a global health leader and in face of high expectations from many different stakeholders. WHO recently introduced a new process for appointing its Director-General which culminated in an election by its entire membership in May 2017. (By Ilona Kickbusch and Austin Liu)
