

from 8.30

Welcome desk open for registration, coffee


Welcome and introduction


30 years after Alma Ata: What future for Primary Health Care?

Dr. Eduardo Missoni (Italian Global Health Watch)
Evolution of Global health policies since the Alma Ata Conference

Dr. Wim Van Lerberghe (WHO/World Health Report):
The renewal of Primary Health Care at WHO

Maya Tissafi (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, SDC)
What relevance has Primary Health Care for the Swiss Development Cooperation?



Break for refreshments


Characterised by Alma Ata: Community Health and Empowerment

Verena Wieland (Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz, SRK)
When Beneficiaries become agents
Presentation of key questions and results of four case studies about Community based health care programmes of Swiss Red Cross in India, Ecuador, Eritrea and Kyrgysztan

Dr. Tseggai Gherezghiher (Vision Eritrea)
Bridging the gap between Communities and Health services
Development of a community based health care model - integrated in the official health care and local government systems



Midday break for stand-up lunch


New approaches of Community Health Programmes

Alexander Schulze (Novartis Foundation)
Strengthening people's resources for improved community health.
Insights from Tanzania and Mali

Carlo Santarelli (Enfants du Monde)
Vers une meilleure articulation du volet communautaire


Parallel session: Opportunities and risks of Primary Health Care and Community Health for the international health cooperation


Break for refreshments


Horizontal versus vertical? The Future of Community Health

Thomas Gass (SolidarMed)
Host and Parasite? The impact of ART programmes on rural health systems

Dr. Gauden Galea (WHO)
Primary Health Care, Health Promotion and Priority Public Health Conditions

Dr. Christoph Benn (The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria)
Der Globale Fonds und die Prinzipien von Primary Health Care


Panel Discussion
The future of international health politics 30 years after Alma Ata
Franziska Freiburghaus, SDC
Eduardo Missoni, Global Health Watch Italy
Christoph Benn, The Global Fund
Gauden Galea, WHO


President of the Government of the Canton of Basel-Stadt
Greetings from the Government


End of the Symposium


Moderator: Anne-Marie Holenstein

Medicus Mundi Switzerland. Network Health for All
Murbacherstrasse 34, 4013 Basel, Switzerland, Phone +41 61 383 18 10
Contact: Martin Leschhorn Strebel, Member of the Executive Board

The Swiss Health Cooperation Symposium targets a broad spectrum of participants active at the national or international level and is organized by Medicus Mundi Switzerland, Network Health for All, which comprises 46 Swiss agencies operating in the field of international health cooperation. The symposium is part of a long-term cooperation agreement with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, which helps fund the event and provides support with the programming.