

dès 8.30

Welcome desk open for registration, coffee


Welcome and introduction


Public health and private-sector involvement

Edita Vokral, SDC:
The return of the state: A partner and beacon of hope
in international cooperation (Declaration of Paris)

Jean Perrot, WHO:
The contribution of civil society and non-governmental
health service providers to public health

Bart Criel, ITM Antwerp and Medicus Mundi International:
Private providers operating in a public logic: what could
that mean in practice?

Questions andiscussion with the speakers of the first session


Break for refreshments


Cameroon: When the state invites collaboration...

Engelbert Manga, Ministry of Public Health and Jura-Cameroon-Switzerland Cooperation in Mfou:
The National Health Sector Strategy - and its application
by a district hospital

Ulrike Kohlmeyer, mission 21:
Integration in the Sector Strategy as an opportunity
and challenge for Church Health Services


Photo: mission 21


Midday break for stand-up lunch


Cambodia: No obvious partnership...

Beat Richner, Kantha Bopha:
The public health structures being inefficient, corrupted and too expensive, institutions such as Kantha Bopha offering correct services free of charge are desperately needed (Film)

Lorenz Indermühle, Swiss Red Cross:
Cooperation with the "real existing" state and integration of private structures into the national health system are possible.


Photo: Swiss Red Cross


Mozambique: Swiss health cooperation is focused on the state...

Andrea Studer, SDC:
Why the SDC is participating in a health sector programme

Jochen Ehmer, SolidarMed:
What a Swiss NGO can contribute to a sector programme


Photo: SolidarMed


Parallel session in three groups:
Discussion with the speakers of the country section


Break for refreshments


Outlook and opportunities for non-governmental health service providers

Lucy Koechlin, Basel Institute on Governance:
The same benchmark for all? Accountability and Best
Practices in the Nonprofit sector

Daniele Giusti, Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau:
Non-governmental health service providers: Improving the opportunities through strategic positioning and cooperation

Questions and discussion

Summing-up and concluding remarks


End of symposium


Moderator: Anne-Marie Holenstein