Our Implementation Research Platform strengthens this discipline among our own member organisations and also among Swiss organisations involved in international health cooperation in general.

Implementation research is used to make sure that interventions reach people better and that obstacles in the implementation of international cooperation projects and programmes are recognised. This collaboration between research and practice carries great potential to improve and change the quality of international health cooperation.

For further information about this platform, please contact the platform coordinator:

Martin Leschhorn

Implementation Research: step-by-step guide to a successful implementation research study

“Without implementation research we are at best committing valuable resources to implementation in the hope that things will work out.”

Implementation Research: step-by-step guide to a successful implementation research study
Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash

Implementation Research: step-by-step guide to a successful implementation research study

“Without implementation research we are at best committing valuable resources to implementation in the hope that things will work out.”

Implementation Research (IR) is research that addresses implementation bottlenecks in order to deliver effective health care interventions. It aims to identify solutions to overcome implementation problems. This later may inform policy decisions and scale-up effective interventions, which can generate better health outcomes and strengthen the overall health system. Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland presents this IR guide, which is designed to support NGOs interested in applying IR within their projects. It includes the conceptual definition of IR and a practical step-by-step guide from the design to the dissemination of an IR study.

FACTSHEET on Implementation Research

FACTSHEET on Implementation Research

FACTSHEET on Implementation Research

MMS Member organizations of the Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland (MMS) work together to enhance Implementation Research (IR) within their organizations and to promote an NGO driven research in Switzerland’s international health cooperation. (Photo: Baaba Maal inspects failed corn crops in Mauritania/Oxfam International/flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Gesundheitszusammenarbeit unter der Lupe: Implementation Research als NGO-Praxis und politische Herausforderung
MMS Bulletin #135

Dezember 2015

Gesundheitszusammenarbeit unter der Lupe: Implementation Research als NGO-Praxis und politische Herausforderung

Wirkungsmessung und Schaffen von Evidenz: Umsetzungsorientierte Forschung zu Projekten und Programmen ist in der Gesundheitszusammenarbeit von zunehmender Bedeutung. Doch wie sieht gute Implementation Research aus? Welche Hindernisse stellen sich den Gesundheits-NGOs bei dieser Arbeit in den Weg? Das MMS Bulletin nähert sich einem Thema von politischer Relevanz an.

Implementation Research in Switzerland: The Way Forward for a Better International Health Cooperation
30. November 2017

Implementation Research in Switzerland: The Way Forward for a Better International Health Cooperation

MMS Workshop To create a better common understanding on the issue and to assess the related skills and capacities, Medicus Mundi Switzerland initiated a qualitative study on the existing practices and capacities regarding implementation research by Swiss NGOs working in international health cooperation. The study has identified challenges, bottlenecks and possible solutions on how to overcome them. At the MMS Workshop the implementation research concept will be reflected upon and the results of the study will be discussed.

Implementation Research
Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

Implementation Research

Implementation Research ist ein Ansatz in der Praxis der internationalen Gesundheitszusammenarbeit. Sie begleitet die Umsetzung von Gesundheitsstrategien, -programmen und -interventionen mit wissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen. Mit Methoden verschiedener Disziplinen versucht sie, Hindernisse einer wirksamen Umsetzung zu verstehen und aus dem Weg zu räumen. Implementation Research charakterisiert sich dadurch, dass sie bedarfsorientiert ist und die Bevölkerung wie auch die an der Umsetzung beteiligten Gruppen an der Entwicklung der Forschungsfragen beteiligt. Um Implementation Research in den Schweizer Organisationen der internationalen Gesundheitszusammenarbeit zu stärken, koordiniert MMS eine fachspezifische Plattform seiner Mitgliedsorganisationen zur Thematik.
