"Fondation PH Suisse is a Swiss Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) dedicated to Partnerships in Health, providing health education and training for the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia."

Fondation PH Suisse
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1298 Céligny

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The Lusaka Agenda Tracker: What Gets Measured Gets Done
Photo: Pictures of Money/flickr.com; CC BY 4.0 Deed

The Lusaka Agenda Tracker: What Gets Measured Gets Done

Center for Global Development (CGD) "Financial support for health in low- and middle-income countries has come under renewed criticism in recent years by policymakers and experts, critiquing that it often fragments health systems, undermines national priority-setting, and lacks a clear exit strategy. The most recent effort to address these challenges is the Lusaka Agenda launched in December 2023, which laid out a set of five shifts required to coordinate and strengthen the contribution of global health initiatives (GHIs) (...). Implementing the Lusaka Agenda will require substantial change in how the GHIs operate, unprecedent coordination between GHI board members, clear mutual accountability mechanisms, and must be integrated with individual country-led donor alignment efforts. In a paper released today, we propose a Lusaka Agenda Tracker. Our proposal includes five short-term milestones, that if achieved by the end of 2025 show there is real political will to change, and seven indicators to monitor progress on achieving the Lusaka Agenda over the medium-term."

AI, Conflict Zones, and Crisis Care Take Center Stage at Geneva Cancer Congress
World Cancer Day 2020. Photo: IAEA Imagebank/flickr.com; CC BY 4.0 Deed

AI, Conflict Zones, and Crisis Care Take Center Stage at Geneva Cancer Congress

The 2024 World Cancer Congress opened on 17th September in Geneva, bringing together more than 2,000 delegates from more than 120 countries. Its convener said the congress underscores a global commitment to combating the growing burden of cancer.

Health Policy Watch (HPW) "Hosted by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), the congress aims to foster collaboration amongst cancer and health experts through a diverse three-day program of discussions, presentations, and networking opportunities. UICC president, Prof Jeff Dunn, welcomed the delegates and highlighted the importance of international collaboration in the fight against cancer. (...) Despite global disruptions, he said the participants’ turnout reflects the urgency of addressing the rising cancer burden worldwide."

New Pandemic ‘Lite’ Agreement Shifts Key Decisions to Post-Negotiation Forum
Foto von Edward Jenner

New Pandemic ‘Lite’ Agreement Shifts Key Decisions to Post-Negotiation Forum

"This new text sets up a pandemic agreement ‘lite’ where there are lots of blanks left to fill in after the agreement,” says Elliot Hannon, Spark Street senior researcher and an observer at the negotiations.

Health Policy Watch "The latest draft of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) pandemic agreement shifts key decisions to the Conference of the Parties (COP) – a body that will be set up after the World Health Assembly (WHA) has adopted the agreement. The draft, developed by the WHO Bureau overseeing the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) talks, was distributed to delegates late on Monday. Details about how to implement the contentious Pathogen Access and Benefit Sharing (PABS) system (Article 12) – a mechanism to share information and benefits about pathogens with pandemic potential – is one of those kicked down the road."

Foto von Jonathan Ansel Moy de Vitry auf Unsplash


United Nations General Assembly, September 10-28, 2024. Explore this page for updates, event recaps, and expert commentary on UNGA 79.

UNITED NATIONS "The 79th session of the UN General Assembly opens on September 10, 2024. When global leaders meet at the UN, they will confront yet another year of complex crises and conflicts — as a deeply divided world watches. The UN is the only place on Earth where countries — whether big or small — have a say. The debates and conversations that will unfold during UNGA 79 will shape the solutions that can redefine our future. (...) The Summit of the Future takes place on September 22 and 23, 2024. The first of its kind, the Summit will bring together leaders, advocates, and activists of all ages to determine how our international system can better meet the needs of current and future generations. UNGA 79 will also include High-level Meetings on two issues of existential importance: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and the global threat of sea-level rise."

What to Expect at UNGA 79: Breakthrough or Breakdown?
United Nations headquarters. Photo: Maciek Lulko/flickr.com; CC BY-NC 4.0 Deed

What to Expect at UNGA 79: Breakthrough or Breakdown?

United Nations Foundation "The UN’s mission is more important than ever, which is why calls for bold changes to the 1940s-era institution are growing louder. With the UN General Assembly fast approaching, here’s what leaders and experts across the UN Foundation are following, and what this year’s convening could mean for the future of multilateralism and the fate of the world. (...) From sea-level rise to antimicrobial resistance, UNGA 79 will tackle a broad range of challenges that can’t be solved by one nation alone. UNGA High-level Week kicks off on Sept. 24 this year, preceded by the two-day Summit of the Future. There, Member States are expected to outline ways the UN can adapt to meet emerging issues, from closing the digital divide and artificial intelligence to more equitable financing for low-income countries."

Public health for Kenya or private profits for Europe?
Photo: Julien Harneis/flickr.com; CC BY-SA 4.0 Deed

Public health for Kenya or private profits for Europe?

New CICTAR report shows health contracts fuel corporate profits and cripple Kenya's struggling public health sector.

Public Services International "A report released today by the Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) and the Centre for International Corporate Tax Accountability and Research (CICTAR) raises questions over how funding meant to improve Kenya’s health sector is being funnelled to European for-profit health corporations. The report outlines how VAMED, an Austrian-based company and subsidiary of the German global health care giant Fresenius, has received millions of dollars in Kenyan government funding to supply equipment to Kenyan health facilities. VAMED’s contracts with the Kenyan government have added to Kenya’s crippling international debt while shifting scarce funding away from public health."

How Can We Address Health Workforce Challenges to Meet SDG3?
Foto von Mathurin NAPOLY / matnapo auf Unsplash

How Can We Address Health Workforce Challenges to Meet SDG3?

Building resilient health workforces requires evidence-informed country-led strategies, partner alignment and coordination, and a multidisciplinary learning agenda.

Chemonics "The target of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3.c.1 is to “substantially increase health financing and the recruitment, development, training and retention of the health workforce in developing countries” by 2030 and thus improve health workforce density and distribution. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates a shortfall of 10 million healthcare workers by 2030, mostly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). In addition, there is insufficient distribution, skills, and performance of existing healthcare workers to meet primary health needs. So how can we address these gaps, while remaining on track to achieve SDG 3? Country health systems must build resilience to deliver health for all; promote global health security and bolster strategies to mitigate climate impacts; and recognize the lifeblood of their workforces."

UN Draft AMR Declaration Drops Targets for Cutting Animal Antibiotic Use – But Mortality and Funding Aspirations Survive
Photo: CIFOR-ICRAF/By Nkumi Mtimgwa/CIFOR/flickr.com; CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Deed

UN Draft AMR Declaration Drops Targets for Cutting Animal Antibiotic Use – But Mortality and Funding Aspirations Survive

Health Policy Watch (HPW) "Targets that aimed to reduce the use of antimicrobials in the livestock industry have been dropped from the latest version of the draft UN Political Declaration on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), reportedly as a result of pressure from major meat-producing nations and the veterinary drug industry. The draft declaration, which aims to curb growing pathogen resistance to leading antibiotics, antiviral and antiparasitic drugs, was distributed amongst UN member states on 9 September ahead of the United Nations High-Level Meeting (HLM) on 26 September."

Antimicrobial Resistance: A Fast-Growing Threat to the Fight Against HIV, TB and Malaria
Photo: © GHF/Screenshot

Antimicrobial Resistance: A Fast-Growing Threat to the Fight Against HIV, TB and Malaria

The Global Fund "We rely on antibiotics to treat a range of life-threatening infections. But bacteria are changing – becoming more resistant to the drugs we have. Infections that were once curable are now untreatable. Antimicrobial resistance is one of the fastest-growing threats to public health. It is linked to 5 million deaths per year – the third-leading cause of death globally. People with HIV, TB and malaria are particularly vulnerable to infections that are increasingly resistant to treatment."

Price of medicines: walls of abusive patents are standing in the way of competition
Foto von Etactics Inc auf Unsplash

Price of medicines: walls of abusive patents are standing in the way of competition

Research by Patrick Durisch, Public Eye

Public Eye "Swiss pharmaceutical companies often stand out internationally for accumulating legal disputes aimed at keeping generic competitors away and maintaining a high price for their flagship products. However, this strategy jeopardises access to affordable treatment. It is high time to act against the proliferation of abusive secondary patents, which provide no therapeutic added value and only serve to fill the already well-stocked coffers of Big Pharma. A real racket run on the back of social insurance, which Switzerland must denounce rather than blindly support."

Une association suisse lance un grand projet de construction à Bethléem
Photo: © Elias Halabi

Une association suisse lance un grand projet de construction à Bethléem

Secours aux Enfants Bethléem "D’importants travaux d’extension ont débuté à l’Hôpital de l’Enfance Bethléem en Palestine. Il y aura de la place pour le futur centre chirurgical de jour, qui s’impose d’urgence. Ce chantier, rendu possible grâce à des dons en provenance de Suisse, est actuellement le plus grand projet de construction à Bethléem. Avec le premier coup de pioche, le projet d’extension de l’Hôpital de l’Enfance Bethléem franchit une nouvelle étape. A l'avenir, il sera possible d’y pratiquer des opérations programmables. Grâce à l’extraordinaire soutien d’innombrables donatrices et donateurs en Europe, ce projet va de l’avant."

Schwanger auf der Flucht: So unterstützt Women’s Hope sudanesische Frauen im benachbarten Tschad
Eine kompetente Medizinische Versorgung kann bei einer Schwangerschaft über Leben und Tod entscheiden. Eine Hebamme befragt eine schwangere Frau im Gesundheitszentrum Abougoudam, Tschad. Foto: WHI

Schwanger auf der Flucht: So unterstützt Women’s Hope sudanesische Frauen im benachbarten Tschad

Women's Hope International "Seit Ausbruch des Krieges im Sudan vor knapp anderthalb Jahren haben die Konfliktparteien rund 10 Millionen Menschen vertrieben. Das sind mehr als die gesamte Schweizer Wohnbevölkerung. Doch die westlichen Medien berichten kaum darüber. Die Berner NGO Women’s Hope International ist im benachbarten Tschad aktiv und führt dort ein Projekt zur Senkung der Müttersterblichkeit. Sie spürt den Zustrom der Menschen in den unterstützten Gesundheitszentren unmittelbar. Die Programmverantwortliche Muriel Weyermann erklärt im auf Radio RaBe, warum im Sudan gekämpft wird und beschreibt, wie den vertriebenen Menschen geholfen werden kann."

En attendant la reconstruction
Photo: © CRS

En attendant la reconstruction

La Croix-Rouge Suisse "Une année s’est écoulée depuis le tremblement de terre qui a frappé le centre du Maroc. Les équipes du Croissant-Rouge marocain et les experts en abris d’urgence du Mouvement international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge continuent de s’affairer dans les montagnes de l'Atlas. En attendant la reconstruction, ils sont à l’œuvre pour offrir des logements décents aux personnes sinistrées."

Survivre dans les camps de Cox’s Bazar
Photo: © SRK

Survivre dans les camps de Cox’s Bazar

La Croix-Rouge Suisse "Près d’un million de personnes vivent dans les camps de Cox’s Bazar, au Bangladesh. Il y a sept ans, elles ont fui les violences du Myanmar voisin. Totalement dépendantes de l’aide internationale qui s’amenuise, elles n’ont aucune perspective."

Acting together to end sexual and gender-based violence against adolescent girls in Nigeria
Photo: © Swiss TPH

Acting together to end sexual and gender-based violence against adolescent girls in Nigeria

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute "Olutoyin Opeyemi Ikuteyijo is a PhD student in the Society, Gender, and Health Unit within the Public Health and Epidemiology department at Swiss TPH. Her research work focuses on the experiences of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) faced by adolescent girls and young women in low-income communities."

Empowering Health Leaders: Health Care and Management Alumni on the Role of Scholarships
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute

Empowering Health Leaders: Health Care and Management Alumni on the Role of Scholarships

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute "Who can address public health issues around the world. Three of our DAS Health Care and Management alumni shared their experiences and the invaluable lessons they’ve learned during their time at Swiss TPH, illustrating the impact of mutual learning and the crucial role of scholarships."

Einladung zur Generalsversammlung von SWISSO KALMO - 21. September 2024
Eine Mutter im Ambulatorium von Swisso Kalmo in Merka. Foto: Swisso Kalmo
21. September 2024 – 14.00 Uhr an der Gartenhofstrasse 7, 8004 Zürich (Tram No. 9 oder 14 bis Haltestelle Werd)

Einladung zur Generalsversammlung von SWISSO KALMO - 21. September 2024

Zur humanitären und politischen Lage in Somalia

SWISSO KALMO "Gerne laden wir Sie zu unserer Generalversammlung ein. Zuerst informieren wir Sie über die Vereinsgeschäfte 2023/2024. Dann werden Bashir Gobdon und Scecdon Nur über ihre Aufenthalte in Somalia berichten. Und wie gewohnt wird uns Aisha Nur zum Abschluss somalische Sambusi servieren. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme an der Generalversammlung unseres Vereins und verbleiben mit freundlichen Grüssen: Der Vorstand von Swisso Kalmo Bashir Gobdon, Heinrich Frei, Nur Scecdon Olad, Lotti Guttentag, Esteban Guttentag und Jenny Heeb. Kontakt: Jenny Heeb, Co-Präsidentin Swisso-Kalmo, Greifenseestrasse 30, 8050 Zürich E-Mail: merka02@bluewin.ch, Tel. 044 313 96 51.

Zur humanitären und politischen Lage in Somalia
Intern Vertriebene am Rand der Stadt Merka. Foto: © Swisso Kalmo

Zur humanitären und politischen Lage in Somalia

Ein Bericht von Heinrich Frei, Vorstand SWISSO KALMO

SWISSO KALMO "In Somalia leben 18,7 Millionen Menschen, davon in der Hauptstadt Mogadischu etwa drei Millionen. Somalia ist über 15-mal grösser als die Schweiz und etwa 1,8-mal so gross wie Deutschland. Mehr als 3,8 Millionen Menschen in Somalia wurden durch den schon über 30 Jahre dauernden Krieg und durch Naturkatastrophen gezwungen ihre Region zu verlassen. Sie leben unter katastrophalen Bedingungen in Camps am Rande der grossen Städte. Frauen und Kinder machen 80 Prozent der internen Flüchtlinge aus und sind grossen Risiken ausgesetzt. (...) Für den somalischen humanitären Hilfsplan der UNO werden 2024 1,6 Milliarden US-Dollar benötigt, um 5,2 Millionen Menschen zu helfen. Hilfe wird in Regionen geleistet, die am meisten von der Not betroffen sind. Angriffe auf die Helfer und ihre Infrastruktur erschweren jedoch die Unterstützungsoperationen."

Villes et santé mentale: une question et des solutions à partager
Photo: © Nolan Krattinger
19. November 2024 – 19 & 20 novembre 2024, Lausanne, Suisse.

Villes et santé mentale: une question et des solutions à partager

19 & 20 novembre 2024 Lausanne, Suisse. Inscription jusqu’au 15 octobre 2024 (prolongation tarif ‘early bird’ jusqu’au 15 septembre 2024).

Villes et santé mentale "La ville de Lausanne accueille la deuxième édition du congrès international ‘Villes et santé mentale’. Vivre dans un milieu urbain peut être un facteur de mauvaise santé mentale. Cependant, les villes offrent aussi de nombreuses ressources. Ainsi, cette rencontre vise deux objectifs : - promouvoir l’idée que la santé mentale doit devenir une question partagée par l’ensemble des citadin·e·s; - partager des initiatives et des solutions, développées dans des villes du Nord ou du Sud, permettant de faire des espaces urbains des lieux plus favorable à la santé mentale."

UN High Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance: Can the political declaration drive a new way forward?
Photo: © GHC
09. Oktober 2024 – 12:30 - 14:00 Hybrid: Auditorium Ivan Pictet, Geneva Graduate Institute, Maison de la paix and online.

UN High Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance: Can the political declaration drive a new way forward?

Panel discussion: 9 October 2024, 12.30-14.00

Graduate Institute Geneva - Global Health Centre "The World Health Organisation (WHO) puts antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the top 10 public health threats facing humanity as antibiotics become less effective against increasingly resistant bacteria. AMR is directly linked to 1.27 million deaths per year, contributes to another 5 million deaths, and could cause an estimated USD 1 trillion in additional healthcare costs annually (World Bank). (...) Due to the urgent need to combat this global threat, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) is convening a second high-level meeting (HLM) on AMR in September, co-chaired by the governments of Malta and Barbados. The goal is to adopt a new political declaration to guide the collective efforts of Member States and other relevant stakeholders. - Join us for a moderated panel discussion with lively audience participation to discuss the outcomes of the September UNGA high-level negotiations on AMR, and how policymakers, international organisations, patient organisations, and civil society can take action to support mitigation of this major global health risk."

FAIRMED provides emergency aid against Mpox
Photo: © FAIRMED

FAIRMED provides emergency aid against Mpox

FAIRMED "In Central Africa, a new and apparently more dangerous variant of the Mpox virus (formerly known as monkeypox) is spreading rapidly - prompting the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare a global emergency. Several of our project areas in the Central African Republic are also affected, where more than 30 cases have already been confirmed. We have therefore taken emergency measures to protect local people."

A Global Health Funding Crunch?: Trends and Implications
Photo: © GHC
19. September 2024 – 13:00 - 14:30 Hybrid: Auditorium A2, Geneva Graduate Institute, Maison de la paix and online. Followed by a reception.

A Global Health Funding Crunch?: Trends and Implications

Panel discussion: 19 September 2024, 13.00-14.30

Graduate Institute Geneva - Global Health Centre "Global health may be approaching a pivotal juncture. As we move towards 2030, governments and other major global health donors are confronted with the possibility of a funding crunch that could necessitate a reshaping of the global health architecture. Concerns about a stagnation or decline in funding for global health are forcing governments, civil society organisations, philanthropy, and other stakeholders to grapple with the implications for addressing global health priorities. What would a funding crunch mean for population health in countries that depend on development aid for health?"

Empowering Communities Through Nutrition: Aline’s Journey with the NICE Project
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute

Empowering Communities Through Nutrition: Aline’s Journey with the NICE Project

By Helen Prytherch, Swiss TPH

Swiss TPH "The Nutrition in City Ecosystems (NICE) project is transforming lives by improving nutrition and promoting healthier diets through locally-led actions. Across six secondary cities in Rwanda, Kenya, and Bangladesh, NICE works closely with local communities to connect consumers with farmers who produce food sustainably. The following story of Aline Ayingeneye and her son is a testament of how the NICE project is making a difference in people’s lives."

Advancing the economics of health for all
Foto von Vladimir Solomianyi auf Unsplash

Advancing the economics of health for all

By Mariana Mazzucatoa and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

The Lancet "The incredible economic growth of the past century has delivered many benefits, including for health. But this growth has come at a heavy price in terms of pollution, climate change, unhealthy diets and behaviours, and the increasing burden of non-communicable diseases and antimicrobial resistance. Moreover, the benefits of economic growth have not been shared equally, with 4·5 billion people—more than half of the global population—still without access to essential health services and 2 billion individuals experiencing financial hardship when trying to do so, driving huge inequalities in health outcomes. Governments need to rethink the narrow focus on growth in gross domestic product (GDP) that typically dominates economic decision making."

Contemporary challenges to health information for all
Foto von Campaign Creators auf Unsplash

Contemporary challenges to health information for all

The Lancet "Our lives are profoundly shaped by health information. Warning labels and high taxes on tobacco, regular physical exercise, and adherence to medication for blood pressure control are collective and individual decisions made on the basis of reliable health information. A recent WHO-commissioned survey by the global social movement Healthcare Information For All (HIFA) highlights the crucial role of universal access to health information in global population health and the urgent need for a strategy to this end."

Aux côtés de Kanha depuis 19 ans
Kanha, 13 ans en uniforme de collégienne. Photo: © Eric Martin / Figaro Magazine / HI

Aux côtés de Kanha depuis 19 ans

Handicap International m’accompagne dans ma rééducation, me permet de remarcher grâce à une prothèse, mais leur soutien va au-delà.

Handicap International Suisse (HI) "Nous rencontrons Kanha pour la première fois en 2005 au Cambodge, dans un hôpital de Kampong Cham. Alors âgée de 6 ans, Kanha est l'une des 65’000 victimes de restes explosifs de guerre au Cambodge. En effet, son père a déclenché un engin explosif, en voulant l’ouvrir pour pêcher avec les munitions. Il est tué sur le coup dans le fracas de l’explosion et Kanha est grièvement blessée, elle est amputée de la jambe droite. Depuis, nous l'accompagnons dans son parcours de rééducation."

Défendre la convention sur les armes à sous-munitions : une position critique pour un traité qui sauve des vies
Une arme à sous-munitions non explosée. Photo: © U. Meissner/HI

Défendre la convention sur les armes à sous-munitions : une position critique pour un traité qui sauve des vies

Handicap International Suisse (HI) "L'Observatoire des armes à sous-munitions 2024, publié en septembre 2024, continue de révéler de nombreuses utilisations de ces armes, ainsi que de nouvelles victimes. Alors que la Lituanie s'est récemment retirée de la Convention d’Oslo sur les armes à sous-munitions, nous rappelons son importance pour protéger les civils et l'impact à long terme de l’utilisation de ces armes interdites. - « En 14 ans d'existence, la Convention d'Oslo a été incroyablement efficace pour protéger les civils : deux tiers des pays du monde adhèrent aux valeurs de la Convention d'Oslo, les producteurs de cette arme ont diminué d'un tiers, les stocks des États parties sont détruits, un soutien important a été apporté aux survivants et doit se poursuivre » commente Daniel Suda-Lang, notre directeur en Suisse."

Africa CDC and WHO launch a joint continental response plan for mpox
Photo: CDC Global/flickr.com; CC BY 4.0 Deed

Africa CDC and WHO launch a joint continental response plan for mpox

Africa CDC and WHO launch their first joint continental response plan for a major health outbreak.

Devex "As part of a new era for health emergencies on the African continent, the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization’s regional office for Africa launched a joint plan for responding to the mpox emergency on the continent on Friday. It’s a six-month plan that aims to mobilize nearly $600 million. It’s the first time the agencies are using one continental coordination team, response plan, budget, and monitoring and evaluation framework in a major health response. This is part of yearslong efforts for the two organizations to work more cooperatively together. In the past, there have been challenges around duplications of efforts that led to inefficiencies, wasted resources, and confusion."

Welcome to Alessandra Tisi New MMI Executive Secretary
Alessandra Tisi. Photo: © MMI

Welcome to Alessandra Tisi New MMI Executive Secretary

Alessandra will also be the new Executive Secretary of the Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2) hosted by MMI.

Medicus Mundi International (MMI) "I am delighted to introduce Alessandra Tisi as the new Executive Secretary of Medicus Mundi International – Network Health for All. Starting her work for MMI on 15 October, Alessandra will take over from Thomas Schwarz, who will be retiring at the end of November. Thomas Schwarz will ensure a smooth transition until his retirement. Alessandra will be based in Lausanne. She will work at the Geneva office of MMI, in a part-time employment. As part of this, and based on a joint recruitment process, Alessandra will also be the new Executive Secretary of the Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2) hosted by MMI.

Scale up Mpox response, health groups urge
Photo: Tim Reckmann/flickr.com; CC BY 4.0 Deed

Scale up Mpox response, health groups urge

Health activists and organizations are urging an intensified response to the Mpox outbreak in Africa, where the virus has infected thousands and caused hundreds of deaths

People's Health Dispatch "Thousands of people across Africa have been infected with the Mpox virus, resulting in hundreds of deaths and the ongoing spread of the disease. In response, over 55 health groups have urged the British government to support health systems in the affected countries. In an letter circulated on August 23, the groups demand rapid distribution of vaccines to countries in Africa currently struggling with mounting a response to the outbreak, as well as ensuring sharing of technologies between existing vaccine producers and manufacturers in Africa to increase global supply."

Mpox Declares to Africa that Global Health is in Fact, Not Global
Photo: Seeds of Hope/flickr.com; CC BY 4.0 Deed

Mpox Declares to Africa that Global Health is in Fact, Not Global

PLOS BLOGS "On August 13, 2024, the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) made an official declaration on mpox, designating it a “public health emergency of continental security (PHECS)”. This is the first ever such declaration for the African continent. The following day, August 14, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared mpox a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC), following the first one for mpox on July 23, 2022. (...) Sustained and worsening mpox transmission in Africa is a total and tragic failure of the global response. Once again, the “health for all” principles of global health are denied to people in the global South, in this case, African people."

Walking in Other People’s Shoes
Pexels Foto von RDNE Stock project

Walking in Other People’s Shoes

The Global Fund "Community health workers are often the best – and only – resource for people living in rural and remote areas. Support for community health workers contributes to strong, resilient health systems that can reach more people with lifesaving health care" Since 2020, the Global Fund has invested over US$1.5 billion in community health workers in more than 100 countries and is investing US$900 million more over the next three years. We are talking to community health workers about the challenges and impact of their vital work."

Madagascar, inédit : des cours de préparation à la naissance ! Les futures mamans racontent
Photo: @ Terre Innovative Healthcare

Madagascar, inédit : des cours de préparation à la naissance ! Les futures mamans racontent

Soutenus par le Ministère de la Santé Publique, Enfants du Monde, Terre Innovative Healthcare, le District Sanitaire d’Ambanja et FISA Madagascar., ont lancé un cours de Préparation à la Naissance à Madagascar ; une opportunité inédite pour améliorer les soins prénatals et la préparation à l'accouchement. De tels cours étaient jusqu'à présent réservé au secteur privé.

Enfants du Monde "Adapté aux pratiques et besoins des femmes malgaches, ce cours transforme l’expérience des futures mères en leur permettant de questionner leurs habitudes quotidiennes pouvant avoir un impact négatif sur leur santé et celle de leur bébé. En confrontant les pratiques traditionnelles aux informations scientifiques fournies par la sage-femme, les participantes identifient des comportements alternatifs bénéfiques pour leur santé maternelle et néonatale. Ainsi par exemple, malgré les interdits sociaux, les futures mères consomment des bananes pour leur bien-être et celui de leur bébé et vont faire l’échographie pour vérifier développement normale du bébé. Le cours inclut également une préparation physique à l’accouchement. « Apprendre à respirer me permet de me sentir prête pour accoucher. », témoigne une future maman."

Challenges at the Intersection of Online Gender-Based Violence and Intersectional Youth Movements for Democracy in the SWANA Region
Foto von cottonbro studio

Challenges at the Intersection of Online Gender-Based Violence and Intersectional Youth Movements for Democracy in the SWANA Region

politics4her.com "In collaboration with Democracy Moves and funded by the Porticus Learning Partnership, Restless Development selected Politics4Her to conduct a research project. This project focuses on the complex challenges at the intersection of online gender-based violence (OGBV) and youth movements advocating for democratic values, particularly in the SWANA (South West Asia and North Africa) region. The research delves into the experiences and challenges faced by intersectional youth activists in this context. It sheds light on the specific vulnerabilities and struggles of intersectional youth activists facing OGBV in the SWANA region, thereby informing strategies to support and protect these activists as they advocate for democratic values in environments that are often hostile to their efforts and identities."

Transforming global health: decoloniality and the human condition
Foto von Nick Fewings auf Unsplash

Transforming global health: decoloniality and the human condition

British Medical Journal (bmj) - Global Health "The field of global health is at a pivotal moment of transformation. Decoloniality has emerged as a critical framework to assess and transform the pathologies that mark the field. These pathologies include the inequitable sharing of resources, the power hierarchies that entrench decision-making in institutions largely based in North America and Europe and the general predisposition towards paternalistic and exploitative interactions and exchange between North and South. The energy being generated around this transformative moment is widening circles of participation in the discourse on what transformation should look like in the field. The importance of decoloniality cannot be overstated in driving the transformative agenda."

International Body Proposes Moratorium on Recruitment of Nurses from Developing Countries
Photo: ReSurge International/flickr.com; CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Deed

International Body Proposes Moratorium on Recruitment of Nurses from Developing Countries

Health Policy Watch (HPW) "The International Council of Nurses (ICN) has called on the World Health Organization (WHO) to consider a “time-limited moratorium of active recruitment of nurses” from countries on the WHO Health Workforce Support and Safeguard List. This follows a “dramatic surge” in the recruitment of nurses from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) by wealthy countries, according to the ICN. The Safeguard List identifies 55 countries that face the most pressing health workforce challenges related to achieving universal health coverage (UHC). Health workers shortages are one of the primary causes of countries’ inability to achieve UHC."

Entwicklungsprojekte sind unentbehrlich und eine moralische Pflicht
Foto von bennett tobias auf Unsplash

Entwicklungsprojekte sind unentbehrlich und eine moralische Pflicht

Die Schweiz sollte nicht von der Solidarität abrücken. Sehr viele Menschen würden ihre Lebensgrundlage verlieren.

Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) "In Burkina Faso sterben im Sahel-Konflikt Zehntausende Kinder an Krankheiten, Mangelernährung, Hitze und Wassermangel. Jedes zehnte Kind erreicht das fünfte Lebensjahr nicht. Als Gesellschaft, als traditionell humanitäre Schweiz, als eines der reichsten Länder der Welt hätten wir die Mittel, vielen von diesen Kindern das Leben zu retten."

MMI Community of Practice on Climate and Health Justice: review and planning session
Photo: © MMI
22. August 2024 – ONLINE Session

MMI Community of Practice on Climate and Health Justice: review and planning session

Thursday, 22 August 2024, 15.00 – 16.15 CEST

Medicus Mundi International (MMI) "One year ago, we invited members and partners of the Medicus Mundi International Network “to join an emerging civil society community of practice hosted by MMI to explore, in a mixed team within and beyond our membership, the role of international health cooperation and global health advocacy in climate change and planetary health.” At an “institutional” meeting, the members of the Community of Practice on Climate and Health Justice are invited to engage in reviewing initial progress of the CoP and provide directions for the future positioning and work of the community. We intend to look at the following: - “Political” processes, with a focus on the WHO; - "Technical” discussion and work by members of the CoP. In view of launching the next “season” and outline a programme of work of the CoP for the next few months. Join us!

Uncertainty in key population size estimates in sub-Saharan Africa
Photo: Erik Cleves Kristensen/flickr.com; CC BY 4.0 Deed

Uncertainty in key population size estimates in sub-Saharan Africa

The Lancet "Key populations contribute substantially to the disproportionate burden of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa, accounting for about 25% of the total new HIV infections in 2022. Despite their increased risk of HIV, social and structural barriers have continued to limit them from seeking and receiving appropriate HIV prevention, treatment, and care services. Consequently, key populations are lagging in the remarkable progress towards attaining control of the HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa. The urgent need to address the gaps in service coverage among key populations, particularly in repressive and low-income settings, requires insight into their population size for data-driven planning and equitable resource allocation."

Schon wieder hat die Welt einen Gesundheitsnotfall
Foto: The National Guard/U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Leia Tascarini/flickr.com; CC BY 4.0 Deed

Schon wieder hat die Welt einen Gesundheitsnotfall

Jetzt braucht es vor allem mehr Unterstützung vor Ort in den Communitys, mehr Aufklärung und niedrigschwellige Impfangebote, damit die Impfstoffe auch wirklich zu den Menschen gelangen.

Die Zeit "Nachdem sich eine gefährliche Mpox-Variante in afrikanischen Ländern ausgebreitet hat, greift die WHO jetzt zur höchsten Warnstufe. Wie groß ist die Gefahr? - Die Entscheidung war seit Tagen erwartet worden. Und als Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Chef der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), am Mittwochabend vor die Presse tritt, kommt er schnell zur Sache: Der massive Ausbruch von Affenpocken auf Teilen des afrikanischen Kontinents sei so besorgniserregend, dass die WHO beschlossen habe, eine gesundheitliche Notlage von internationaler Tragweite auszurufen."

Mpox outbreak in Africa is public health emergency, declares WHO
Foto von National Institute of Allergy and Infection

Mpox outbreak in Africa is public health emergency, declares WHO

Outbreak resembles early days of HIV, say experts, urging accelerated access to vaccines and testing

The Guardian "An outbreak in Africa of mpox, the disease formerly known as monkeypox, resembles the early days of HIV, scientists have said, as the World Health Organization declared it a public health emergency. The declaration must accelerate access to testing, vaccines and therapeutic drugs in the affected areas, medical experts urged, and kickstart campaigns to reduce stigma surrounding the virus. More resources for research were also vital, they said, with “massive unknowns” about a new variant spreading between people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. As of 4 August, there had been 38,465 cases of mpox and 1,456 deaths in Africa since January 2022, including more than 14,000 cases and 524 deaths in the DRC alone this year."

The innovative sexuality education App «Love Land»

The innovative sexuality education App «Love Land»

Sexual health and rights education is still a big taboo around the world, with dramatic consequences for too many young people. A lack of comprehensive sexuality education for young women and men can have the following effects: Less use of condoms, leading to a higher risk of STIs, including HIV. Less use of contraceptives leading to an increased risk of unintended pregnancy. The lack of knowledge in relation to sexuality combined with less understanding leads to more stigmatization and shame in relation to sexual identity and one's own gender.

Wastewater-Based Infectious Diseases Surveillance: Towards a Global Perspective
Photo: © 4EU+
12. November 2024 – 9:00am-5:00pm Paris Brain Institute, Paris, France

Wastewater-Based Infectious Diseases Surveillance: Towards a Global Perspective


4EU+ "Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) is a macro-epidemiological approach that assesses population exposure to infectious agents and chemical contaminants through wastewater analysis. This approach has considerable potential for facing future infectious epidemics. The conference will highlight the state of scientific knowledge and explore how to integrate this approach into national and international monitoring plans (Science to policy), using examples of ongoing projects from different countries worldwide. The conference is organized with the support and participation of the World Health Organization (WHO)." - Registrations will open soon, stay tuned!

Photo: © HI
25. September 2024 – Vatter Business Center, Bärenplatz 2, Bern

INVITATION: Événement "innovation au service du déminage humanitaire"

Le mercredi 25 septembre 2024 à 19h00.

Handicap International Suisse (HI) "L’équipe de Handicap International Suisse a le plaisir de vous convier à sa soirée dédiée à l’innovation au service du déminage humanitaire le mercredi 25 septembre 2024 à 19h00. Venez en apprendre plus sur l’utilisation de drones dans nos activités de déminage au Vatter Business Center, Bärenplatz 2, Berne. Nos experts en déminage et innovation vous présenteront les technologies utilisées par Handicap International dans ses activités de déminage. La démonstration sera suivie d’un cocktail. Nous vous invitons à confirmer votre présence en vous inscrivant gratuitement via ce lien. En cas de questions, n’hésitez pas à contacter Madame Odile Blanc, chargée des partenariats institutionnels via email o.blanc@hi.org

India commits US$ 85 million to WHO Global Traditional Medicine Centre
Foto von Naja Bertolt Jensen auf Unsplash

India commits US$ 85 million to WHO Global Traditional Medicine Centre

World Health Organization (WHO) "Worldwide, traditional medicine is used by billions of people for their health and well-being. At a signing ceremony in Geneva, the Government of India committed US$ 85 million over 10 years, 2022–2032, to support the programming of the WHO Global Traditional Medicine Centre. India’s 10-year financial contribution will support a cross-sectoral program of work to strengthen the evidence base for traditional medicine by providing data and evidence on traditional medicine policies, practice, products, and public use. The WHO-India donor agreement is part of a US$ 250 million investment from India in support of the establishment of the WHO Global Centre of Traditional Medicine in 2022, which includes financial support for the workplan of the Centre, interim premises and a new building. This support will scale up WHO’s capacities on traditional medicine across technical divisions and regions in the spirit of global collaboration and solidarity."

No Excuse for African Leaders in Advancing Continent’s Health Security Through Local Manufacturing
African Union headquarters. Photo: Albert González Farran, UNAMID/flickr.com; CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Deed

No Excuse for African Leaders in Advancing Continent’s Health Security Through Local Manufacturing

Unique opportunity for the continent

Health Policy Watch (HPW) "The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the risks of over-reliance on global supply chains for essential health products. Disruptions led to severe delays and shortages of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics, with low- and middle-income countries bearing the brunt. Vaccine inequality starkly highlighted Africa’s vulnerability. Yet this crisis unveiled a unique opportunity for the continent: a chance to revolutionize its vaccine manufacturing sector, crucial for health security and economic empowerment. Strengthening local manufacturing capabilities ensures timely, equitable access to life-saving products and lays the foundation for a healthier, more self-reliant Africa. Despite representing about 20% of the global population, Africa’s vaccine industry only meets about 0.1% of the worldwide demand."

Devex ends partnership with Nestle following alarm by NGOs and global health experts
Foto von Hanna Balan auf Unsplash

Devex ends partnership with Nestle following alarm by NGOs and global health experts

IBFAN "Devex, an official media partner for the Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, OECD, United Nations, Clinton Global Initiative, and many others, has ended its partnership with Nestlé following complaints from a number of NGOs, academics and global health networks, including members of the Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) Core Group.(1) Devex also called off a webinar scheduled to take place on 17th July."

Global Summit reinvigorates efforts to prepare for future pandemics
Foto von Tim Mossholder auf Unsplash

Global Summit reinvigorates efforts to prepare for future pandemics

CEPI "RIO DE JANEIRO, 30 July 2024: The Global Pandemic Preparedness Summit 2024, co-hosted by Brazil’s Ministry of Health, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz) and CEPI, concluded today in Rio de Janeiro with a strong call for global leaders to reignite efforts to transform the world's ability to prepare and respond to future pandemics. Amid the heightened risk of new deadly disease outbreaks that can strike anywhere at any time, 350 experts from governments, civil society, industry and health organisations around the world gathered at the Summit—held during Brazil’s 2024 G20 presidency—to harness scientific progress and political will to reinvigorate momentum around the pandemic preparedness agenda."

HIV Age of Access Policy Landscape
AIDS 2024. Photo: © MMS

HIV Age of Access Policy Landscape

The HIV Policy Lab’s July 2024 issue brief “Unlocking Access: Reforming HIV Age of Access for Adolescents in Africa” examines age of access for HIV testing, treatment, and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in Africa and a human rights framework to support policy reform.

HIV Policy Lab "Sub-Saharan Africa remains disproportionately impacted, with HIV/AIDS being the leading cause of death among adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa. Globally, over a quarter of new HIV infections occur among young people and adolescents. In the Global AIDS Strategy 2021-2026, UNAIDS calls for countries to address “structural and age- related legal barriers faced by adolescents” and “ensure adolescent and young key populations are reached with effective services early on.” Laws and policies setting the age of access to HIV services must not limit adolescent autonomy and the ability to independently access the services, tools, and resources to protect themselves and their health."

Pandemic Agreement Talks Resume with Global Equity at Stake
Foto von Mathurin NAPOLY / matnapo auf Unsplash

Pandemic Agreement Talks Resume with Global Equity at Stake

Progress has been made, but difficult issues need resolving before a pandemic treaty can make the world safer and fairer. By Suerie Moon

ThinkGlobalHealth "In July 16 and 17, member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) gathered for the tenth round of negotiations on a pandemic agreement. Governments missed their self-imposed deadline to conclude the agreement before the World Health Assembly meeting in May. The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) resumed the talks as wars, elections, inflation, climate crises, and other issues push pandemics down the global political agenda. (...) A meaningful pandemic agreement is within reach, but the INB needs to resolve complex and controversial issues, especially the establishment of a pandemic pathogen access and benefit-sharing system."
