HIV/AIDS: 46 responses to a global challenge

HIV/AIDS Prevention for Sub Saharan African Migrants living in Switzerland

Von Claudia Kessler Bodiang

Lesezeit 1 min.

Sub Saharan African migrants living in Switzerland belong to the most vulnerable groups in terms of HIV infections in our country. They show HIV prevalence rates well above the Swiss average and risk to be further stigmatised as a result. Previous HIV prevention campaigns for migrant populations in Switzerland have targeted other majority migrant groups without meeting the needs of this specific and very heterogeneous group.

Improve access to and use of appropriate prevention and other offers in the field of HIV/AIDS and associated reproductive health problems in the cantons of Zurich, Lausanne and Geneva for sub-Saharan African migrants.

Project outputs

  • Specific prevention campaign
  • Creation of a network of mediators from the community for behaviour change campaign
  • Promotion of access of target group to services
  • Involve opinion leaders and key stakeholders of target group
  • Co-ordination with network of Swiss and European actors in this field

STI activities

  • Project planning, monitoring and evaluation
  • Technical support (backstopping) to African co-ordinator
  • Networking and co-ordination
  • Reporting
  • Technical assistance in various medical and technical fields
  • etc

Activities of the Swiss Red Cross

  • Elaborate and conduct training activities for the mediators
  • Administration of the project
  • Heading the steering committee
  • etc

The project has officially started on October 15th, 2002, and will be implemented in collaboration between the Swiss Tropical Institute (Swiss Centre for International Health) and the Swiss Red Cross.

The first three months will be used for preparatory workproject implementation at the field level will start in 2003. A Coordinator from the target group is being recruited to be in charge of the project implementation.

Swiss organisation(s)

Swiss Tropical Institute
Swiss Centre for International Health
Swiss Red Cross


Swiss Federal Office of Health BAG (funding agency)
Cantonal and National Swiss AIDS associations
Other Swiss actors and service providers in the field of HIV/AIDS and migration

Key words

Prevention and health promotion

Land, region

Switzerland (Geneva, Lausanne, Zurich)

Time frame



Dr Claudia Kessler Bodiang
Swiss Centre for International Health

Dr Conrad Frey
Swiss Red Cross

Related publications

Kessler C, Okullo J, HIV Prävention bei afrikanischen Migrantinnen und Migranten: eine Herausforderung für die schweizerische Gesundheitspolitik; AIDS INFOTHEK 3/02

Zuppinger B, Kopp C, Wicker H-P, Interventionsplan HIV/Aids-Prävention bei Sub-Sahara MigrantInnen: Rapid Assessment im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Gesundheit, Universität Bern, Institut für