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Gender, Frauengesundheit und internationale Zusammenarbeit

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Gender and health equity resource guide. An overview of health-related gender sensitive interventions

The purpose of this resource guide is to give an overview of gender sensitive interventions and initiatives directly or indirectly related to health that have been tried at macro and micro levels. Through mapping different experiences, the guide provides information on lessons learned, results achieved, and the challenges that have emerged in promoting gender and health equity. It includes information on gender-sensitive approaches, working methods, practical methodologies and tools which can be incorporated into policies and programmes. The guide is made up of five different sections: gender mainstreaming and organisational change; implementing rights and accountability through networks and advocacy; tools to enhance and implement gender equity; lifespan perspective in gender and health, and issues in gender and health equity. In stressing the need to develop gender strategies for health equity which are appropriate to specific contexts and resources, the text is illustrated with case studies and examples of good practice from around the world. Institute of Development Studies (IDS) 2001.


Gender Analysis in Health. A Review of Selected Tools

Gender Tools provide questions and guidance to assess whether policies, programmes or reaearch intitiatives take into account differences between women and men in roles and responsibilities, access to resources and decision–making power, and what to do to not exacerbate gender-based inequalities. This critical review examines the content of 17 widely used gender tools and their usefulness for gender analysis in health. The review is an invaluable resource for those working on gender and health, and particular, for WHO staff working on gender. WHO 2002.


Gender and Health Advocacy Packs

The purpose behind GenSalud Advocacy Packs by the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) is to present a current issue in Gender and Health in a concise and user-friendly way. Each kit contains a fact sheet, a brief issue paper and a power point presentation. They can be used as part of a conference presentation, as a tool to educate policy-makers or as the basis for a workshop or class session on Gender and Health issues. They include: gender equity in health, gender and HIV/AIDS in LAC, trafficking of women and children for sexual exploitation in the Americas; gender and indigenous women's health in the Americas; and male involvement in sexual and reproductive health. Available in English and Spanish


Integrating Gender into HIV/AIDS Programmes. A Review Paper

In HIV/AIDS epidemic, gender plays an integral role in determining an individuals’ vulnerability to infection, his or her ability to access care, support or treatment, and the ability to cope when infected or affected. This review paper gives an overview of the issues involved and recommendations for program managers. There are several examples of programmes form around the world that have adopted different approaches to integrate gender considerations in their work and by drawing upon lessons learnt, concrete and practical guidelines for national HIV/AIDS programme managers are developed. WHO 2003


UNAIDS: Tools for practitioners working on gender and HIV/AIDS

These six modules have been designed to provide practical, easy to use, gender sensitive tools for the HIV/AIDS development worker, community leader, and advocate. The modules can be used together or individually.

The toolkit consists of the following sections: a gender sensitivity checklist; best practices/programmes that work; integrating gender components into existing HIV/AIDS prevention programmes; communicating the message
