

Registration and Coffee


Welcome Speech by René Staeheli, FAIRMED, President of the Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland

 9:45 Part 1: 40 Years of Alma Ata – It’s back to the future for Health For All


The future of Primary Health Care: Contradictions between Global Challenges and Political Decisions by Marina Carobbio, Vice-President of the Swiss National Council and Co-President of AMCA 


Country Leadership and Coherence among Global Actors are Key Elements to Ensure Health Care for All, by Francisco Songane, former Minister of Health of Mozambique


PANEL: “Health for All in a Generation” – Is Switzerland ready to move forward? with Marina Carobbio Guscetti, Jacques Mader, SDC & Beat von Däniken, SRC


 Coffee Break

11:15 Part 2: Communities: Not just recipients of care – but actors in health


Community Participation: How the Alma Ata principles are reflected in the health care of Chiapas, Mexico by Joel Heredia Cuevas, SADEC 


Healthy Communities – How multi-sectorial Partnerships can Increase Accountability in the quest for health and well-being in Moldova, by Ala Curteanu, SDCs Healthy Life Project


Older people – the last in the queue for health services Stefan Hofmann, Kwa Wazee –  Bar talk 


Q&A: Joel Heredia Cuevas, Ala Curteanu & Stefan Hofmann



13:45 Part 3: Primary Health Care to Universal Health Coverage: Justice, cooperation and solidarity


The Red Cross approach to UHC: a framework for the next decade? By Emanuele Capobianco, IFRC


Closing the Gap in a Generation – Health System Strengthening in a Changing World by Jochen Ehmer, SolidarMed


Calling for a New Global Economic Order – the forgotten element of the Alma-Ata Declaration by Thomas Schwarz, MMI


Q&A: Emanuele Capobianco, Jochen Ehmer & Thomas Schwarz

15:00 Coffee Break


Evaluation of the Alma Ata Quiz

15:40 Panel: Primary Health Care - It's back to the future for Health For All 


Panel with Francisco Songane, Remco van de Pas, ITM Belgium & Gabriela Wichser, terre des hommes schweiz


Closing remarks by Jacques Mader, SDC

 Moderated by Kate Moleworth, Swiss TPH & Martin Leschhorn Strebel, Medicus Mundi Switzerland