In Myanmar leisten Hebammen mehr als nur Geburtshilfe

In Myanmar leisten Hebammen mehr als nur Geburtshilfe Hebammen betreuen in entlegenen Gebieten von Myanmar vier bis sieben Dörfer, das heisst rund 2000 bis 4000 Einwohner. Neben der geburtshilflichen Arbeit sind sie für die medizinische Grundversorgung wie auch für Themen der Familienplanung und Verhütung verantwortlich – und dies ohne Supervision und mit mangelhafter Ausbildung. (Ein Artikel von Carine Weiss in der Zeitschrift "")

Midwifery 2030: A woman’s pathway to health. What does this mean?

Midwifery 2030: A woman’s pathway to health. What does this mean?

Midwifery The 2014 State of the World’s Midwifery report included a new framework for the provision of woman-centred sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn and adolescent healthcare, known as the Midwifery 2030 Pathway. (Midwifery 32(2016)1–6)

Make focused, accelerated efforts to prevent, reduce newborn deaths: WHO

Press release

Make focused, accelerated efforts to prevent, reduce newborn deaths: WHO

Press release

WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia "New Delhi, 14 December: Nearly 7400 new-borns die every day in the WHO South-East Asia Region causing untold misery to mothers and families. Two-thirds of these deaths can be prevented by adopting proven and cost-effective measures, World Health Organization today said seeking focused efforts by governments and partners to prevent newborn deaths with a sense of urgency."

Newborn and child deaths in South-East Asia Countries

Newborn and child deaths in South-East Asia Countries

A statistical overview.