MMS Round Table 1: Chronische Krankheiten

MMS Round Table 1: Chronische Krankheiten

MMS Round Table Bericht: Chronische Krankheiten in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern

MMS Round Table Bericht: Chronische Krankheiten in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern

WHO's Action Plan: 2008-2013 Action Plan for the Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases

WHO's Action Plan: 2008-2013 Action Plan for the Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases

"Working closely with Member States,WHO has, therefore, developed this Action Plan to prevent NCDs from occurring and to help the millions who are already affected to cope with these lifelong illnesses. The Action Plan provides Member States,WHO, and the international community with a roadmap to establish and strengthen initiatives for the surveillance, prevention and management of NCDs. Furthermore, the Plan highlights the pressing need to invest in NCD prevention as an integral part of sustainable socioeconomic development."

Chronic disease: an economic perspective

Chronic disease: an economic perspective

Report of the Oxford Health Alliance 2006: "This major report, 'Chronic disease: an economic perspective', written by Marc Suhrcke, Rachel A. Nugent, David Stuckler and Lorenzo Rocco for OxHA, demonstrates that chronic diseases – heart and lung disease, cancer and diabetes – are having a negative economic impact on both the developed and developing world and should thus be adequately addressed by domestic and international policy makers."

MMS Bulletin 106: Chronische Krankheiten

MMS Bulletin 106: Chronische Krankheiten

Medicus Mundi Schweiz hat im November 2007 das MMS Bulletin dem Thema Chronische Krankheiten gewidmet. Mit Beiträgen zu Hintergründen, Präventionskampagnen und Projekten der internationalen Gesundheitszusammenarbeit. Lesen Sie die Beiträge online: