MMS Bulletin #164

Dezember 2022

Decolonizing health cooperation - Reflections on an upcoming transformation process

Photo: pexels-ylanite-koppens-697662

Decolonizing global health" is a movement that fights against deeply rooted systems of dominance and power of international, mostly Western organizations and institutions. Criticism of the latter highlights the colonial origins of development cooperation which still shape the approaches, structures and practices followed until today. While many organisations have since long described their work as an equal cooperation with their partners in the Global South rather than «aid», working practices are still too often based on power structures which perpetuate dependencies and prevent the development of local capacity. The articles in this MMS Bulletin show what it means to leave colonial structures behind in international health cooperation and what challenges are associated with such a transformation process.

Decolonization: a clarification of terms

How colonial structures continue to shape international health cooperation today

Organizations in the process of transformation
