​Most dialogue around HIV/AIDS omits any discussions about sexual pleasure. Public health messages instead focus on controlling or suppressing sexual interactions and disseminate fear-based messages to promote safer sex in order to reduce the number of new infections. This is despite strong evidence that fear of disease is not a strong motivation to persuade people to practice safer sex.

In this episode, Carine talks with public health specialist Anne Philpott about her passion for including pleasure in sex education as a motivation to increase safer sex practices.

Anne Philpott
Anne Philpott Anne is a public health professional, pleasure propagandist and guerrilla girl in HIV prevention. She founded ‘The Pleasure Project’ in 2004 after becoming frustrated by endless HIV meetings where no one ever talked about people’s motivations for having sex. The Pleasure Project forges connections between the worlds of public health and pornography and is globally recognised as an agency that has championed injecting pleasure into safer sex education and safer sex practices into porn. The project has inspired many agencies to deliver more effective and relevant sex education. It is now working with the World Association of Sexual Health to launch a declaration of pleasure.

Anne is published widely in health journals and the media, promoting the pleasure principle in sex education and identifying it as the ultimate indicator of female empowerment. The Pleasure Project was awarded the Phil Harvey ‘Prize for Passion in Reproductive Health’ in 2016.

In our MMS Bulletin "Sexual Rights: Giving Young People a Voice", from August 2019 Anne Philpott published together with Arushi Singh the article "Pleasure as a measure of agency and empowerment".

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