Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals



Thomas Schwarz

Thomas Schwarz

Thomas Schwarz

Statement of the Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Sustainable Development Goals

Analysing Proposals for Reform of the Global Health Architecture

How to make the global health system fit

Analysing Proposals for Reform of the Global Health Architecture

Analysing Proposals for Reform of the Global Health Architecture

How to make the global health system fit

Chatham House "The global health architecture has contributed significantly to progress towards the Millennium Development Goals over the past decade. As the target date approaches for adoption of the new Sustainable Development Goals, this paper suggests that reconfiguration of the architecture is necessary if it is to be fit to address the challenges of the post-2015 period."

Health in All Policies

Technical Information

Program of the Symposium

Program of the Symposium

Program of the Symposium


Tram service to the Symposium

Tram service to the Symposium

Tram service to the Symposium