
Welcome Speech by Carine Weiss, Medicus Mundi Switzerland


Part 1: Young People as Actors in Comprehensive Sexuality Education


Poetry Slam by Margaret Daramola


Sexual Pleasure: the Missing Link between Sexual Health and Sexual Rights by Vithika Yadav, Love matters India


We are the generation to end AIDS - but how? by Marlon Jost - Youth against AIDS e. V.


A Buddy for Life – How Peer-to-Peer Support can Improve ARV Adherence for Young People by Leeroy Lewis Sibanda Million Memory Project Zimbabwe (MMPZ), terres des hommes schweiz


Q&A with Vithika Yadav, Marlon Jost and Leeory Lewis Sibanda


 Coffee Break

11:15 Part 2: Young People lifting the Taboos of Sexual Health by changing Social Norms and Values


 Poetry Slam by Margaret Daramola


Love matters - Family matters by Juan Francisco Ramirez Flores, Fondacion Vencer, Paraguay, supported by Swiss Red Cross


Challenge Society with Young Queer Activists by Florian Vock, Swiss Aids Federation



13:30 Part 3: Youth Voices count – how Young People claim their Rights


Poetry Slam by Margaret Daramola


How a Youth Movement can change Swiss Politics by Samira Marti member of the Swiss National Parliament 


Let's talk about Sex... education by Noëmi Grütter – Sexual Health Switzerland and Youth advocate 


Panel Discussion: Love, Sexual Rights and Young People

15:15 Closing Remarks



 Moderated by Elisabeth Nash