Souffle2vie is a non profit non-governmental organization with its head quarter at Epalinges (VD) in Switzerland, founded in order to improve perinatal medicine in Guinea, Westafrica. The goals of souffle2vie are the following ones: 1. to decrease morbidity and mortality of newborn infants and their mothers in Guinea. 2. to improve the quality of life of infants and their families 3. to support the training and education of health care professionnals, especially those involved in perinatal medicine.. 4. to renew the medical devices and equipment 5. to enhance work organization and logistic in health care 6. to adapt the equipment and infrastructure of the maternity wards and neonatology /pediatric units to the local conditions and circumstances. We have an intense collaboration with the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Guinea, the Medical Faculty of the University of Conakry, and the guinean colleagues of perinatal medicine of the two University Hospitals of Conakry and the onle Neonatology Unit at a universitary level in Guinea, the Institut de Nutrition et de Santé de l’Enfant.

C/o Prof. Matthias Roth-Kleiner, Präsident
chemin de l'Eglise 18
CH-1066 Epalinges, Schweiz