
Editorial by Riccardo Lampariello, Terre des hommes Foundation and Alain B. Labrique, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Digital health: Is the glass half-full or half-empty?

Health Policy and Technology "After years of enthusiasm around digital health and its limitless promises, last year a wave of scepticism rose from a strong voice – that of the UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights. In October 2019, his office submitted a report highlighting the risk of a gloomy digital future (or “digital dystopia”) where rampant digital development could rapidly turn to automate predicting, identifying, surveillance, detecting, targeting and punishing. The report rapidly became a reference for many and the debate around digital health became progressively polarized. (...) This article aims to promote a productive exchange by fine-tuning the discussion without hindering the opportunity for a sea-change in global health." (Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash)