Featuring neglected elements of the Alma-Ata Declaration: MMI contributions to the Astana Global Conference on Primary Health Care

Medicus Mundi International (MMI) Astana, 25-26 October 2018. The world will come together in Astana, Kazakhstan at the Global Conference on Primary Health Care "to renew a commitment to primary health care to achieve universal health coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals". The MMI Network, an NGO in official relations with WHO, is invited to the conference and will attend it with a small delegation, as part of the civil society constituency. We are currently exploring with civil society colleagues about how to guarantee civil society representation in the conference and how to broaden the space for civil society in the formal conference programme. We are happy to confirm that the following proposals are accepted by the conference organizers: CAFÉ SESSION on "Calling for a New Global Economic Order - the forgotten element of the Alma-Ata Declaration". Reacting to a call by the conference organizers, the MMI Network sucessully submitted a proposal for a "café session" on "Calling for a New Global Economic Order - the forgotten element of the Alma-Ata Declaration". OFFICIAL SIDE EVENT on "International cooperation and strengthening or weakening national health policies and systems". As part of a broader team led by the Secretariat of UHC2030, the MMI Network also successfully submitted a proposal to host a one-hour official side event on the role of "aid" or international cooperation in the achievement of Primary Health Care. Details will be communicated soon. MMI lead / contacts for the Astana Conference: Itai Rusike, Remco van de Pas, Linda Mans and Thomas Schwarz. Enquiries: office@medicusmundi.org (Photo: WHO)