Un accès à l’avortement sûr et des sociétés sans discrimination : les droits sexuels et les droits reproductifs sous pression dans le monde

Communiqué de presse

Un accès à l’avortement sûr et des sociétés sans discrimination : les droits sexuels et les droits reproductifs sous pression dans le monde
Photo: Daniel Rihs / © Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Un accès à l’avortement sûr et des sociétés sans discrimination : les droits sexuels et les droits reproductifs sous pression dans le monde

Communiqué de presse

MMS Conference 2023 (MMS/Bâle, 19 avril 2023) Les milieux conservateurs du monde entier attaquent frontalement les acquis du mouvement des femmes et des communautés LGBTQIA+. Ainsi, ce ne sont pas seulement les droits sexuels et reproductifs, mais aussi la lutte contre les maladies sexuellement transmissibles comme le VIH/sida qui sont remises en question. La conférence du Réseau Medicus Mundi Suisse appelle à s'opposer ouvertement à ces attaques.

L’opposition aux droits sexuels redouble

Entretien avec Neil Datta. Un article de Dominique Hartmann

L’opposition aux droits sexuels redouble
Photo: Daniel Rihs / © Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland

L’opposition aux droits sexuels redouble

Entretien avec Neil Datta. Un article de Dominique Hartmann

Le Courrier "La contestation contre les droits sexuels s’intensifie. L’activisme conservateur, organisé internationalement, forme la relève. Une organisation parlementaire européenne s’inquiète. (...) «Depuis dix, douze ans, on constate une augmentation de la contestation envers les droits sexuels et reproductifs existants», observe Neil Datta, directeur du European Parliamentary Forum for sexual and reproductive right (EPF), un réseau de parlementaire actifs et actives dans la défense de ces droits. Autrefois concentrés sur la militance pro-vie, ces milieux ont élargi leur champ d’action: «Tout ce qui a un lien avec le mot ‘genre’ est visé, résume Neil Datta."

Photo gallery

Pictures of the conference by Daniel Rihs

Photo gallery
Photo: Daniel Rihs / © Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Photo gallery

Pictures of the conference by Daniel Rihs

MMS Conference 2023 Here we provide the link to the photos of our conference 2023.


Photo: Daniel Rihs / © Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland


MMS Conference 2023


Photo: Daniel Rihs / © Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland


MMS Conference 2023

Restoring the natural order or disregarding human rights

Presentation by Neil Datta (European Parliamentary Forum for sexual and reproductive rights) at the MMS Conference 19 April 2023

Restoring the natural order or disregarding human rights
Photo: Daniel Rihs / © Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Restoring the natural order or disregarding human rights

Presentation by Neil Datta (European Parliamentary Forum for sexual and reproductive rights) at the MMS Conference 19 April 2023

MMS Conference 2023 In 2013, 20 US and European campaigners began strategizing ‘achievable goals’ to roll back human rights for sexual and reproductive health in Europe. Their strategy, called Restoring the Natural Order: an Agenda for Europe, seeks to overturn existing laws on basic human rights related to sexuality and reproduction.

Campaigning for abortion rights: challenges, strategies and learnings from Argentina

Presentation by Cyrielle Huguenot (Amnesty International Section Suisse) at the MMS Conference 19 April 2023

Campaigning for abortion rights: challenges, strategies and learnings from Argentina
Photo: Daniel Rihs / © Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Campaigning for abortion rights: challenges, strategies and learnings from Argentina

Presentation by Cyrielle Huguenot (Amnesty International Section Suisse) at the MMS Conference 19 April 2023

MMS Conference 2023 Today, strategic work on abortion is of crucial importance. While great strides have been made in terms of progressive abortion law and policy reform over the last decades, countries around the world are facing rising fundamentalisms, nationalisms, and polarization – each of which impacts access to abortion and sexual and reproductive rights (SRR) broadly.

Building Collective Voices, engaging in Advocacy: Experieneces and lessons from Zimbabwe

Presentation by Talent Jumo (Katswe Sistahood, Zimbabwe) and Hafid Derbal (terre des hommes Schweiz) at the MMS Conference 19 April 2023

Building Collective Voices, engaging in Advocacy: Experieneces and lessons from Zimbabwe
Photo: Daniel Rihs / © Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Building Collective Voices, engaging in Advocacy: Experieneces and lessons from Zimbabwe

Presentation by Talent Jumo (Katswe Sistahood, Zimbabwe) and Hafid Derbal (terre des hommes Schweiz) at the MMS Conference 19 April 2023

MMS Conference 2023 Katswe Sistahood (KS) is coordinating a network of youth-focused SRHR organisations within the programme of terre des hommes schweiz. Their local level work enables them to collect stories and data that is used to facilitate national dialogue on emerging SRHR issues including advocacy targeted at policy reform through Parliamentary engagement.

BAR TALK: Advocacy strategies to counteract anti-gender movement in Switzerland

BAR TALK with Susanne Rohner (Sexuelle Gesundheit Schweiz). Questions asked by Carine Weiss (Medicus Mundi Switzerland)

BAR TALK: Advocacy strategies to counteract anti-gender movement in Switzerland
Photo: Daniel Rihs / © Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland

BAR TALK: Advocacy strategies to counteract anti-gender movement in Switzerland

BAR TALK with Susanne Rohner (Sexuelle Gesundheit Schweiz). Questions asked by Carine Weiss (Medicus Mundi Switzerland)

MMS Conference 2023 Over the years, SEXUAL HEALTH SWITZERLAND has developed various advocacy strategies to defend sexual and reproductive rights and to counteract opposition. In doing so, we build on our expertise as an umbrella organization relying on the knowledge and experience of SRHR-professionals and refer to international human rights standards.

Resisting “anti-genderism” in Senegal, yesterday and today

Panel discussion with Codou Bop, Aminata Dieng, Fatou Diatta (Sister Fa). Moderation by Serena O. Dankwa (IAMANEH Switzerland). Whisper translation for Aminata Dieng by Loes Oudenhuijsen.

Resisting “anti-genderism” in Senegal, yesterday and today
Photo: Daniel Rihs / © Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Resisting “anti-genderism” in Senegal, yesterday and today

Panel discussion with Codou Bop, Aminata Dieng, Fatou Diatta (Sister Fa). Moderation by Serena O. Dankwa (IAMANEH Switzerland). Whisper translation for Aminata Dieng by Loes Oudenhuijsen.

MMS Conference 2023 Intergenerational queer/feminist panel, Senegal: Three women activists from three generations are discussing the stakes and strategies of working on sexual and reproductive health and rights in Senegal over the last five decades.

Safe abortion care and new approaches

Presentation by Nelly Staderini (Médecins sans Frontières Suisse) at the MMS Conference 19 April 2023

Safe abortion care and new approaches
Photo: Daniel Rihs / © Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Safe abortion care and new approaches

Presentation by Nelly Staderini (Médecins sans Frontières Suisse) at the MMS Conference 19 April 2023

MMS Conference 2023 In 2004, MSF had an institutional statement on Abortion Care. In 2014, a critical internal review was done, showing slow progress of the integration of Abortion Care into Health care practices. Barrier to seek or to received care where analyzed.

Video message from Aminata Dieng, Senegal

Aminata Dieng was part of the panel "Resisting 'anti-genderism' in Senegal, yesterday and today", moderated by Serena O. Dankwa (IAMANEH)

Video message from Aminata Dieng, Senegal
Aminata Dieng from Senegal

Video message from Aminata Dieng, Senegal

Aminata Dieng was part of the panel "Resisting 'anti-genderism' in Senegal, yesterday and today", moderated by Serena O. Dankwa (IAMANEH)

MMS Conference 2023 Aminata Dieng is the president of the women's committee of the Dakar football league. Growing up in Dakar, she used to fight for the right to play football and join the national team. Today, as a sports journalist in her twenties she organizes and advocates against the heterosexist and misogynist violence experienced by youthful women footballers. - As Aminata couldn't attend our conference in person she sent us a video message.

How to tackle safe abortion care in Emergency Response Unit

Presentation by Diana Manilla Arroyo (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies - IFRC) at the MMS Conference 19 April 2023

How to tackle safe abortion care in Emergency Response Unit
Photo: Daniel Rihs / © Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland

How to tackle safe abortion care in Emergency Response Unit

Presentation by Diana Manilla Arroyo (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies - IFRC) at the MMS Conference 19 April 2023

MMS Conference 2023 There are a number of gaps and challenges related to the provision of safe abortion care in humanitarian settings. Beside legal challenges, which may not even be the biggest barriers, risks to providers (local and expatriates), abortion stigma and other challenges need to be tackled.

Delivering sexual and reproductive health care services in crisis: safe abortion care

Presentation by Estelle Wagner (International Planned Parenthood Federation - IPPF) at the MMS Conference 19 April 2023

Delivering sexual and reproductive health care services in crisis: safe abortion care
Photo: Daniel Rihs / © Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Delivering sexual and reproductive health care services in crisis: safe abortion care

Presentation by Estelle Wagner (International Planned Parenthood Federation - IPPF) at the MMS Conference 19 April 2023

MMS Conference 2023 IPPF is a global healthcare provider and a leading advocate of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for all, with a presence in over 146 countries. At the heart of our mission is the provision of person-centred sexual and reproductive health care to all.

Sexual and Reproductive Health within the SDC

Presentation by Lara Sponagel (Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation - SDC) at the MMS Conference 19 April 2023

Sexual and Reproductive Health within the SDC
Photo: Daniel Rihs / © Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Sexual and Reproductive Health within the SDC

Presentation by Lara Sponagel (Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation - SDC) at the MMS Conference 19 April 2023

MMS Conference 2023 The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) fosters a comprehensive three level approach to Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) based on interventions on a global, regional and local level. Through a diverse set of initiatives and projects, the organization connects global discussions to regional and local settings and challenges.

Conversation café: Reclaiming spaces for sexual and reproductive rights

Workshop with all participants; facilitated by Martin Leschhorn Strebel (Medicus Mundi Switzerland)

Conversation café: Reclaiming spaces for sexual and reproductive rights
Photo: Daniel Rihs / © Network Medicus Mundi Switzerland

Conversation café: Reclaiming spaces for sexual and reproductive rights

Workshop with all participants; facilitated by Martin Leschhorn Strebel (Medicus Mundi Switzerland)

MMS Conference 2023 Question to be explored: How do we reclaim spaces for sexual and reproductive rights in a hostile environment?​