International organization for cooperation in health care In official relations with WHO.

Medicus Mundi International MMI
Murbacherstrasse 34
4013 Basel

Of cultivation and sovereignty…
Photo by John-Mark Smith on Unsplash

Of cultivation and sovereignty…

Negotiating a pandemic treaty (part II). By Thomas Schwarz

Medicus Mundi International "Some reflections related to section IV of the “working draft, on the basis of progress achieved, of a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response” (INB document A/INB2/3) discussed by the INB on 19 July 2022. As stated various times in yesterday’s INB deliberations, the “Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to draft and negotiate a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response” (INB) is still very much in a compilation and “cultivation” mode, and not yet properly negotiating."

Réflexion critique sur le rôle de la coopération pour la santé
Photo: © KI

Réflexion critique sur le rôle de la coopération pour la santé

Rapport de l’initiative Kampala

Medicus Mundi International (MMI) L’initiative Kampala est un groupement d’organisations de la société civile et d’activistes indépendants, au mode de pensée critique, issus du Sud et du Nord global, qui remettent en question les structures et le discours de la coopération internationale pour la santé. Les priorités de l’«aide» dictées par les pays de l’hémisphère Nord et mises en œuvre par ceux de l’hémisphère Sud sont, dans de nombreux pays du monde, souvent incompatibles avec les besoins et les souhaits des communautés, des gouvernements et de la société civile et cimentent les déséquilibres du pouvoir, telle est la critique de l’initiative.

On the COVID-19 pandemic and health worker shortages & mobility
Frontline. Inspired by images of exhausted doctors and nurses. Image created by Kevin Kobsic. Submitted for United Nations Global Call Out To Creatives - help stop the spread of COVID-19.

On the COVID-19 pandemic and health worker shortages & mobility

Human resources for health team

Wemos Reflections on the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel.

Statements by non-State actors in official relations with WHO at the WHO governing bodies meetings
Photo: United States Mission Geneva/flickr, CC BY-ND 2.0

Statements by non-State actors in official relations with WHO at the WHO governing bodies meetings

Seventy-third World Health Assembly 9-14 November 2020 (resumed)

Medicus Mundi International (MMI) "The WHO digital health strategy is highly needed. Digital technologies have the potential to transform many fields of human activity, including healthcare."

A civil society guide to the resumed session of the 73rd World Health Assembly
Photo: G2H2
11. novembre 2020 – Virtual

A civil society guide to the resumed session of the 73rd World Health Assembly

9-14 November 2020

Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2) The World Health Assembly at a glance - WHA73 website (landing page with live webstream) - WHA73 documentation - Provisional agenda: Document A73/1 Rev.1 (15 October) - Working hours: 10:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 17:00 CET. There shall be no evening sessions. Twitter: #WHA73

Was ist zu tun? Was ist wirklich zu tun?
MMS Bulletin #146

Octobre 2020

Was ist zu tun? Was ist wirklich zu tun?

Calling for a new international economic order
MMS Bulletin #149

Octobre 2020

Calling for a new international economic order

Health cooperation in the time of COVID-19: Exploring how to move from aid to global solidarity
16. juillet 2020 – Next Kampala Initiative webinar: 16 July 2020

Health cooperation in the time of COVID-19: Exploring how to move from aid to global solidarity

Part 2: Thursday 16 July, 15.00-16.30 CEST Exploring challenges of aid through the COVID-19 experience

Medicus Mundi International (MMI) Health Aid in the time of COVID-19: From aid to global solidarity. In this second webinar of the mini-series “Health Aid in the time of COVID-19”, we will start to explore how we build international health cooperation (aid) back better after this pandemic drawing on the expertise and inputs of all participants. There will be no “invited” speakers for this session as the focus is on collectively generating our own ideas through facilitated discussion and exploration.

Of Universal Health Coverage, Power and Promotion

Of Universal Health Coverage, Power and Promotion

30 April 2019, New York City, early in the morning...

Medicus Mundi International (MMI) If you have read my earlier blog “it’s up to you, New York, New York”, you know that I travelled to New York with mixed feelings to attend yesterday’s “interactive multi-stakeholder hearing” promoted as the major milestone in the preparation of the UN High-Level Meeting on UHC in September. Mixed feelings remain after the hearing (can feelings become “more mixed”?). And a bit of a headache...


"The draft GPW is largely silent on WHO’s financial crisis"

MMI contribution to WHO GPW13 consultation

Medicus Mundi International (MMI) "(...) Having assessed the draft from a global governance perspective, and taking up and at times quoting input provided by Network members, academics engaged in our work such as Remco van de Pas and Julian Eckl, and civil society partners such as the People’s Health Movement and IBFAN, we herewith submit the following initial comments for consideration at the upcoming Special Session of the WHO EB and in the further process.

Geneva Global Health Hub:

Geneva Global Health Hub: "We are building a strong civil society space in Geneva for more democratic global health"

Geneva Global Health Hub The project of a Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2) has been launched in a civil society side event to the 69th World Health Assembly in May 2016, after more than a year of preparatory work.

Accès aux services de santé dans des contextes fragiles

Accès aux services de santé dans des contextes fragiles

Présentations par la Croix-Rouge suisse et Cordaid

MMS Il est difficile de mettre en application des programmes de santé dans des contextes marqués par un système de santé déjà affaibli et menacé par des conflits politiques et sociaux. Pour travailler dans ces contextes fragiles, il faut une approche respectueuse, soucieuse de ne pas aggraver les problèmes. Mais la coopération internationale en matière de santé peut aussi jouer un rôle important pour la transformation des conflits. Cordaid (NL) et la Croix-Rouge suisse ont présenté leurs expériences en la matière lors d’un événement parallèle co-organisé par le réseau Medicus Mundi Suisse en marge de l’Assemblée mondiale de la santé, en date du 28 mai 2016.

La résilience
Med in Switzerland #6

Septembre 2015

La résilience

Nouvelle dimension des systèmes de santé ou manœuvre de diversion?

A la suite de l’épidémie d’Ebola, le terme «résilience» a fait son apparition dans la politique de santé mondiale et a même été intégré dans les objectifs de développement durable. Renforce-t-il les débats sur les systèmes de santé solides ou ne fait-il pas plutôt diversion à la nécessité de changements fondamentaux? Thomas Schwarz, directeur du Réseau Medicus Mundi International va au fond du débat.

WHO Global Code of Practice - initial achievements and future challenges

WHO Global Code of Practice - initial achievements and future challenges

Documentation of the civil society side event to the World Health Assembly

MMI The WHO Global Code of Practice (Code) on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel was adopted by the 63rd World Health Assembly on 21 May 2010. The 2010 WHA resolution requested the first review of the relevance and effectiveness of the Code be made during the World Health Assembly in May 2015. An expert advisory group (EAG) was convened to carry out the review and will submit its report to the WHA for consideration. The side event organized by MMI in cooperation with several civil society partners provided a good an opportunity to get insights and assessments from members of the EAG before the formal WHA debate. With over 120 participants and some inspiring statements, the side event was a strong and encouraging call for making the Code what we want it to be: a real instrument for change.
