Nouvelles MMS du 04.10.2023

Le Réseau Medicus Mundi Suisse a récemment publié sa réponse à la consultation sur le message relatif à la coopération internationale (CI). Il se réjouit que la santé soit nettement renforcée sur le plan stratégique et propose à cet effet une meilleure intégration stratégique. Le problème principal réside dans le fait que le Conseil fédéral lésine sur la solidarité internationale.

La santé dans la coopération internationale de la Suisse est renforcée
Foto von Hansjörg Keller auf Unsplash

Cet été, le Conseil fédéral a mis en consultation le message sur la coopération internationale 2025-2028. Le Réseau Medicus Mundi Suisse (MMS) attendait ce document avec une certaine impatience. Pendant trois ans, il a œuvré pour que la santé occupe une place plus importante dans le message. Et voilà que le Conseil fédéral souhaite faire de la santé l'une des priorités thématiques de la prochaine phase stratégique.

Un signe de soutien important du Parlement

La motion parlementaire, largement soutenue, de la conseillère nationale du centre Elisabeth Schneider-Schneiter, qui n'a été combattue que par l'UDC, a contribué à ce succès. La motion, déposée en 2022, a eu un impact bien avant son traitement formel au Parlement et pourrait n'être qu'une note marginale dès lors que le Conseil fédéral a réagi avec son projet de stratégie. Mais la clarté avec laquelle le Conseil national a transmis la motion en mars dernier (136 voix pour et 53 contre) et le Conseil des Etats la semaine dernière, sans opposition, est un signe fort qui continuera à avoir un impact. Il correspond à une large volonté politique d'utiliser de manière stratégique et cohérente les compétences dont dispose la Suisse en matière de coopération internationale dans le domaine de la santé et de la santé globale pour mettre en place des systèmes de santé.

Intégration stratégique de la santé

Et c'est précisément à ce niveau stratégique que MMS voit le potentiel, comme il l'écrit dans sa réponse à la consultation sur le message de la CI: «Au lieu de cela, (la santé) devrait être davantage orientée vers l’importance du droit à la santé, qui garantit l’accès de tous aux soins de santé (Couverture sanitaire universelle). Le renforcement des systèmes de santé pourrait ainsi être intégré transversalement à d’autres domaines (éducation, systèmes de sécurité sociale, lutte contre le changement climatique), qui sont essentiels à la lutte contre la pauvreté.»

MMS est résolument optimiste en ce qui concerne le développement et la mise en œuvre de la nouvelle priorité thématique dans les années à venir. Nous sommes plus pessimistes lorsque nous regardons les moyens financiers prévus pour la coopération internationale de la Suisse pour les années 2025-2028. En voulant retirer 1,5 milliard de francs suisses du budget de la CI pour l'important soutien à l'Ukraine, le Conseil fédéral réduit de facto les moyens alloués au Sud global. Si la Suisse veut être crédible sur la scène internationale, elle doit augmenter les moyens alloués à la coopération internationale. Elle doit prévoir à moyen terme 0,7% du produit national brut. Parallèlement, elle doit prévoir un financement extraordinaire pour l'aide à l'Ukraine.

Martin Leschhorn Strebel
Réseau Medicus Mundi Suisse

Accent : Réponse à la consultation de Medicus Mundi Suisse sur la coopération internationale 2025-28

19.09.2023 – Medicus Mundi Suisse

Réponse à la consultation de Medicus Mundi Suisse sur la coopération internationale 2025-2028

Réponse à la consultation de MMS

Réponse à la consultation de Medicus Mundi Suisse sur la coopération internationale 2025-2028
Foto von Andreas Fischinger auf Unsplash
19.09.2023 – Medicus Mundi Suisse

Réponse à la consultation de Medicus Mundi Suisse sur la coopération internationale 2025-2028

Réponse à la consultation de MMS

Medicus Mundi Suisse (MMS) a pris position de manière détaillée sur la stratégie de la Coopération Internationale 2025-2028. Le Réseau salue en principe que la santé doive être une priorité thématique pour les années 2025-2028. Mais pour que cela puisse être mis en œuvre avec succès, la santé devrait être mieux intégrée stratégiquement dans la stratégie globale. MMS s'inquiète en particulier du faible budget prévu pour la mise en œuvre du message. MMS considère le soutien de l'Ukraine à l'aide humanitaire et à la reconstruction comme un devoir générationnel. C'est pourquoi MMS propose que les moyens financiers nécessaires à cet effet soient mis à disposition sous forme de financement extraordinaire par le budget fédéral.

Nouvelles du réseau MMS

29.09.2023 – Handicap International Suisse (HI)

L’œuvre de Saype pour Handicap International : un pont entre l’expression artistique et la mission humanitaire

Face à la terreur, continuer à lutter ensemble pour la paix

L’œuvre de Saype pour Handicap International : un pont entre l’expression artistique et la mission humanitaire
Discours le 11 septembre 2023 de Christophe Wilhelm, président de Handicap International Suisse, Marie Bro, responsable communication et média de Handicap International Suisse, Alfonso Gomez, Maire de Genève, Nathalie Fontanet, Vice-présidente du Conseil d’Etat de la République et canton de Genève et Saype. Photo : © Basile Barbey / HI
29.09.2023 – Handicap International Suisse (HI)

L’œuvre de Saype pour Handicap International : un pont entre l’expression artistique et la mission humanitaire

Face à la terreur, continuer à lutter ensemble pour la paix

"Le 11 septembre 2023, lors d’un vernissage privé, nos invités ont eu la chance de découvrir en avant-première l’œuvre unique « All of us ! » réalisée par l’artiste franco-suisse Saype. Retour sur les prises de parole de notre président Christophe Wilhelm, notre responsable communication et média Marie Bro, aux côtés de Alfonso Gomez, Maire de la Ville de Genève, Nathalie Fontanet, Vice-présidente du Conseil d’Etat de la République et canton de Genève et Saype. Saype réalise des fresques éphémères et écoresponsables à travers le monde, dans un souci d’interpeller les gens et la société, en minimisant son impact sur la nature. Il accepté notre invitation pour réaliser une œuvre pour laquelle nous avons imaginé ensemble un message au visuel fort et engagé pour notre combat avec Broken Chair, porte-parole des populations victimes de la violence guerrière."

29.09.2023 – Swiss TPH

30 Years of R&D Towards New Drugs for Tropical Diseases

30 Years of R&D Towards New Drugs for Tropical Diseases
Photo: © Swiss TPH
29.09.2023 – Swiss TPH

30 Years of R&D Towards New Drugs for Tropical Diseases

"In today’s interconnected world marked by complex challenges, looking back serves as a compass for charting the way forward. As we celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), it is an opportune moment to reflect on our journey. Join me as I delve into one notable aspect of our history: the research and development (R&D) of new drugs for tropical diseases."

29.09.2023 – Swiss TPH

Inauguration of the Basel Center for Health Economics (BCHE)

The Household Economics and Health Systems Research Unit at Swiss TPH constitues one of the three units of the BCHE

Inauguration of the Basel Center for Health Economics (BCHE)
Photo: © Swiss TPH
29.09.2023 – Swiss TPH

Inauguration of the Basel Center for Health Economics (BCHE)

The Household Economics and Health Systems Research Unit at Swiss TPH constitues one of the three units of the BCHE

"The new Basel Center for Health Economics brings together experts in economics and medicine to conduct innovative research and teaching on pressing issues facing the health care sector today. The center will focus on a wide range of topics, including the economics of health insurance, and of disease prevention and treatment, the allocation of health care resources, and the impact of health policies on patients and populations."

25.09.2023 – Swiss TPH

REMINDER: Health Care and Management

ONLINE Information session: 17.Okt. 2023; 18:00

REMINDER: Health Care and Management
Photo: © Swiss TPH
25.09.2023 – Swiss TPH

REMINDER: Health Care and Management

ONLINE Information session: 17.Okt. 2023; 18:00

"Boost your career with our courses in Health Care and Management. Whether you complete the 14-week Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) in Health Care and Management: From Research to Implementation or individual modules as a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS), you will be equipped with the core competences to understand complex health challenges and address them through collaborative interventions. The DAS HCM also serves as the core course for the tropEd network, the European Network for Education in International Health, and is mandatory for those who wish to pursue a Master of Advanced Studies International Health (MAS IH). We look forward to connect with you soon!"

Santé sexuelle et reproductive et VIH/SIDA

03.10.2023 – MMS

Santé sexuelle et droits menacés : résistance et défis

Bulletin MMS #167 septembre 2023

Santé sexuelle et droits menacés : résistance et défis
Foto von Maria Oswalt auf Unsplash
03.10.2023 – MMS

Santé sexuelle et droits menacés : résistance et défis

Bulletin MMS #167 septembre 2023

Dans le monde, l'opposition aux droits sexuels et reproductifs se renforce et les milieux conservateurs, de droite et religieux fondamentalistes attaquent frontalement les acquis du mouvement des femmes et des communautés LGBTQIA+. Qu'il s'agisse des restrictions du droit à l'avortement sécurisé ou de l'attaque contre l'autonomie physique des femmes ainsi que de la discrimination des communautés LGBTQIA+, elles constituent toutes des violations des droits humains, mettent en péril la paix sociale et ont de graves conséquences sur la santé des personnes concernées. Lors de la conférence du Réseau Medicus Mundi Suisse de cette année, les experts d'Europe, du Sénégal et du Zimbabwe se sont penchés sur les conséquences de l'activisme conservateur sur les droits sexuels et reproductifs et ont discuté avec les participant.e.s des stratégies nécessaires pour contrer avec succès le mouvement anti-genre. Lisez dans ce numéro du Bulletin MMS pourquoi un engagement international fort est nécessaire.

04.10.2023 – Medicus Mundi Suisse

Podcast MMS "Santé pour tous"

Saison 6 - Anti-gender movements on the rise?

Podcast MMS
04.10.2023 – Medicus Mundi Suisse

Podcast MMS "Santé pour tous"

Saison 6 - Anti-gender movements on the rise?

La saison 6 du podcast "Santé pour tous" de MMS dresse le portrait des personnes qui travaillent dans le domaine de la santé et des droits sexuels et qui luttent contre le mouvement croissant des mouvements anti-SRHR et anti-genre que l'on observe non seulement en Europe, mais aussi dans le monde entier. Cette saison mettra en lumière des stratégies pour contrer ces mouvements.

04.10.2023 – The Global Fund

Advocacy Roadmap 2023-25

Advocacy Roadmap 2023-25
Photo: Screenshot © The Global Fund
04.10.2023 – The Global Fund

Advocacy Roadmap 2023-25

"This advocacy roadmap outlines concrete steps to sustain the advocacy ecosystem in support of the delivery of the core and contributive objectives set out in the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund) Strategy for 2023-2028, Fighting Pandemics and Building a Healthier and More Equitable World. The Political and Civil Society Advocacy (PCSA) Team will lead the implementation of the roadmap, in close collaboration with teams from across the Secretariat will take to sustain the advocacy ecosystem in support of the delivery of the core and contributive objectives in the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria’s 2023-2028 Strategy: Fighting Pandemics and Building a Healthier and More Equitable World."

02.10.2023 – The Global Fund

Global Fund Support for PrEP Ring Ushers in New Era for Women and HIV Prevention in South Africa

Global Fund Support for PrEP Ring Ushers in New Era for Women and HIV Prevention in South Africa
Foto von Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition auf Unsplash
02.10.2023 – The Global Fund

Global Fund Support for PrEP Ring Ushers in New Era for Women and HIV Prevention in South Africa

"Three key organizations involved in preventing and responding to HIV in South Africa – AIDS Foundation of South Africa, Beyond Zero, and Networking HIV & AIDS Community of Southern Africa – have placed an initial order of 16,000 dapivirine vaginal rings for HIV prevention with the support of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund). (...) The introduction of the PrEP ring in South Africa will expand options for women beyond oral PrEP, which is often unable to meet the unique needs of all individuals who want to use it. Some people may choose not to use oral PrEP because they struggle with adherence or prefer to use a more discreet option. Increasing HIV prevention options, like the PrEP ring, is a key demand of advocacy groups and a core component to the HIV Prevention Choice Manifesto for Women and Girls in Africa published earlier this month."

02.10.2023 – UHC2030

How can we build gender-responsive health systems? Participate in the online consultation

Share your views on what must be done to accelerate progress towards gender equality and UHC by 2030.

How can we build gender-responsive health systems? Participate in the online consultation
Photo: © UHC2030
02.10.2023 – UHC2030

How can we build gender-responsive health systems? Participate in the online consultation

Share your views on what must be done to accelerate progress towards gender equality and UHC by 2030.

"Gender equality, including equal rights and equal access to health services, are critical to achieving universal health coverage (UHC) and leaving no one behind. However, UHC2030’s state of UHC commitment review found that UHC processes are still gender-blind, and that there is a lack of commitment towards increasing women’s representation in health and political leadership."

Santé globale et la Suisse


New York, septembre 2023 : ils veulent encore construire ensemble un monde plus sain. Qui peut y croire....

Une analyse critique de Thomas Schwarz, secrétaire exécutif du réseau Medicus Mundi International (MMI)

New York, septembre 2023 : ils veulent encore construire ensemble un monde plus sain. Qui peut y croire....
Photo: United Nations Photo/UN Photo/Rick Bajornas/; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

New York, septembre 2023 : ils veulent encore construire ensemble un monde plus sain. Qui peut y croire....

Une analyse critique de Thomas Schwarz, secrétaire exécutif du réseau Medicus Mundi International (MMI)

Malheureusement, il semble peu probable que l’espoir de faire avancer des thèmes clés de la politique internationale de la santé par une déclaration commune des chefs d’État et de gouvernement se concrétise cette année... Un aperçu lucide de la « réunion de haut niveau sur la couverture sanitaire universelle » dans le cadre de l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU 2023.

03.10.2023 – Plattform Agenda 2030

Bundesrat verpasst dreifache Chance, die Transformation zu gestalten

Die aktuellen globalen Herausforderungen und Vielfachkrisen (Klima, Krieg, Biodiversität und Ungleichheiten) rufen nach radikaler Transformation und neuen Denkansätzen

Bundesrat verpasst dreifache Chance, die Transformation zu gestalten
Foto von Ashley Batz auf Unsplash
03.10.2023 – Plattform Agenda 2030

Bundesrat verpasst dreifache Chance, die Transformation zu gestalten

Die aktuellen globalen Herausforderungen und Vielfachkrisen (Klima, Krieg, Biodiversität und Ungleichheiten) rufen nach radikaler Transformation und neuen Denkansätzen

"Vor der Sommerpause schickte der Bundesrat drei für nachhaltige Entwicklung zentrale Strategien in die Vernehmlassung. Er verpasst darin die Chance, die Nachhaltigkeitspolitik aktiv zu gestalten. Die Plattform Agenda 2030 hat sich an allen drei Vernehmlassungen beteiligt. Sie fordert in allen Bereichen eine Erhöhung der Mittel und eine konsequente Ausrichtung an den 17 Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung der Agenda 2030."

18.09.2023 – nature

The Sustainable Development Goals should be reset to prioritize poverty, health and climate

By Ilona Kickbusch and Ayoade Alakija

The Sustainable Development Goals should be reset to prioritize poverty, health and climate
Photo: United Nations Photo/UN Photo/Cia Pak/; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
18.09.2023 – nature

The Sustainable Development Goals should be reset to prioritize poverty, health and climate

By Ilona Kickbusch and Ayoade Alakija

"The UN SDGs will only improve human health if they are accompanied by systemic change that addresses global power imbalances. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were born at the United Nations (UN) Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro in 2012. The objective of the conference was to produce a set of universal goals that meet the urgent environmental, political and economic challenges facing the world. By September 2015, all UN member states had adopted ‘Transforming the World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’ and the associated 17 SDGs. In this time of polycrisis, where global crises occur simultaneously, any renewed SDGs need to be courageous, bold and reflective. SDG targets can only be met through deliberative steps for systemic change that rebalance power and address underlying inequities. Fundamental transformation in leadership, institutions and nations is needed for a flourishing, healthy and safe future for all, not just the privileged few."

02.10.2023 – World Health Organization (WHO)

Tracking Universal Health Coverage: 2023 Global monitoring report

Tracking Universal Health Coverage: 2023 Global monitoring report
Photo: Screenshot © WHO
02.10.2023 – World Health Organization (WHO)

Tracking Universal Health Coverage: 2023 Global monitoring report

"The world is off track to make significant progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) (SDG target 3.8) by 2030 as improvements to health services coverage have stagnated since 2015, and the proportion of the population that faced catastrophic levels of out-of-pocket (OOP) health spending has increased." (...) This 2023 UHC Global Monitoring Report is being released on the eve of the High-Level Meeting on UHC at the 78th United Nations General Assembly, reflecting the vital role of national political commitment in the pursuit of UHC. Achieving UHC is no easy feat, but with concrete and coordinated actions, countries can create the conditions in which the right to health is ensured, upheld, and respected for everyone."

02.10.2023 – UHC2030

The 2023 UN HLM on UHC was a moment to renew commitment to UHC and set the path for action and investment

Summary of the 2023 UN High-level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage

The 2023 UN HLM on UHC was a moment to renew commitment to UHC and set the path for action and investment
Photo: United Nations Photo/UN Photo/JC McIlwaine/; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
02.10.2023 – UHC2030

The 2023 UN HLM on UHC was a moment to renew commitment to UHC and set the path for action and investment

Summary of the 2023 UN High-level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage

"The UN High Level Meeting on “Universal health coverage: expanding our ambition for health and well-being in a post-COVID world” took place on 21 September 2023 in New York. (...) During the meeting, Member States unanimously recognized that universal health coverage (UHC) is fundamental to achieving all of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (...). But more important than recommitment is action. “The outcome of a high-level meeting alone is not enough to deliver on our commitments to protect and improve rights and access to health services for all, especially girls, women, sexual and gender diverse people and many other groups in vulnerable circumstances” said the Co-Chairs of the UHC2030 Steering Committee in their statement released after the meeting."

04.10.2023 – World Health Organization (WHO)

World leaders commit to new targets to end TB

World leaders commit to new targets to end TB
Foto von CDC auf Unsplash
04.10.2023 – World Health Organization (WHO)

World leaders commit to new targets to end TB

"World leaders at the United Nations General Assembly’s High-Level Meeting on Tuberculosis have approved a Political Declaration with ambitious new targets for the next five years to advance the global efforts towards ending the TB epidemic. The targets include reaching 90% of people with TB prevention and care services, using a WHO-recommended rapid test as the first method of diagnosing TB; providing social benefit packages to all people with TB; licensing at least one new TB vaccine; and closing funding gaps for TB implementation and research by 2027."

04.10.2023 – BBC

Malaria vaccine big advance against major child killer

A cheap malaria vaccine that can be produced on a massive scale has been recommended for use by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Malaria vaccine big advance against major child killer
Foto von Steven Cornfield auf Unsplash
04.10.2023 – BBC

Malaria vaccine big advance against major child killer

A cheap malaria vaccine that can be produced on a massive scale has been recommended for use by the World Health Organization (WHO).

"The vaccine has been developed by the University of Oxford and is only the second malaria vaccine to be developed. Malaria kills mostly babies and infants, and has been one of the biggest scourges on humanity. There are already agreements in place to manufacture more than 100 million doses a year. (...) Dr Matshidiso Moeti, the WHO regional director for Africa, said: "This second vaccine holds real potential to close the huge demand-and-supply gap."

02.10.2023 – Health Policy Watch

Europe Is Struggling to Keep its Health Systems Afloat

Europe Is Struggling to Keep its Health Systems Afloat
Foto von Martha Dominguez de Gouveia auf Unplash
02.10.2023 – Health Policy Watch

Europe Is Struggling to Keep its Health Systems Afloat

"European health systems, among the best-funded and most equitable in the world, face a barrage of threats to their long-term stability, highlighting the difficulty of achieving and maintaining universal health coverage even in the world’s wealthiest regions. (...) A rapidly ageing population, growing healthcare worker shortages, underinvestment in health systems and external shocks such as climate change and inflation driven by the Russian invasion of Ukraine are putting Europe’s healthcare systems through a battery of stress tests as the bloc looks to move on from the COVID-19 pandemic."

02.10.2023 – Bulletin of the World Health Organization (WHO)

A foundation’s view of WHO’s urban health research agenda

By Susanna Hausmann-Muela, Fondation Botnar

A foundation’s view of WHO’s urban health research agenda
Foto von Daniel McCullough auf Unsplash
02.10.2023 – Bulletin of the World Health Organization (WHO)

A foundation’s view of WHO’s urban health research agenda

By Susanna Hausmann-Muela, Fondation Botnar

"In his opening speech of the World Health Summit in October 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General called on all countries to make the needed “paradigm shift, recognizing that health starts not in hospitals and clinics, but in homes, streets, schools and workplaces.” To support this paradigm shift, WHO has developed an Urban Health Research Agenda that sets the research priorities for addressing the needs and opportunities of urban dwellers. WHO took an inclusive, multisectoral approach in developing this agenda by holding a consultative process with diverse stakeholders, including governments, civil society, funding bodies, as well as actors from outside the health sector such as urban planning, transport and housing."

02.10.2023 – The Lancet

Offline: We have a decade

By Richard Horton

Offline: We have a decade
Foto von William Bossen auf Unsplash
02.10.2023 – The Lancet

Offline: We have a decade

By Richard Horton

"Today at #UNGA, world leaders have answered the call to rescue the #GlobalGoals.” So said António Guterres, Secretary-General of the UN, last week. A sanguine conclusion. But, speaking with a friend steeped in the science of our present environmental emergency, others take a more pessimistic view. “We have 10–15 years”, he told me. “Then it’s over. There is nothing we can do.” His opinion is that the tipping points have been well and truly tipped. The planet is fast becoming uninhabitable for half the human species. We are heading, ineluctably, for a global civilisational crisis."

02.10.2023 – Devex

The global south is done waiting for rich countries to lead on climate

The global south is done waiting for rich countries to lead on climate
Foto von Misbahul Aulia auf Unsplash
02.10.2023 – Devex

The global south is done waiting for rich countries to lead on climate

"As lower-income countries grow ever distrustful of the global north’s climate leadership, they are looking to themselves, playing host and taking on larger roles in high-profile international convenings."


03.10.2023 – Geneva Health Files

Dissecting South Africa’s COVID-19 Vaccine Procurement Contracts & their Global Implications

By Nishant Sirohi & Priti Patnaik

Dissecting South Africa’s COVID-19 Vaccine Procurement Contracts & their Global Implications
Foto von Tingey Injury Law Firm auf Unsplash
03.10.2023 – Geneva Health Files

Dissecting South Africa’s COVID-19 Vaccine Procurement Contracts & their Global Implications

By Nishant Sirohi & Priti Patnaik

"Efforts by the Cape Town-based public health law group, Health Justice Initiative to push for transparency in the COVID-19 vaccine contracts through a case brought and won against the South African government not only reveals the terms of vaccine procurement contracts and the concerning practices, but also casts a light on the nature and extent of private power in these vastly unequal negotiations at a time a grave public health emergency. This comprehensive story delves into the discrepancies in pricing, stringent confidentiality clauses, constraints on vaccine distribution, and the notable imbalance of liability and sovereignty, brought to light as a result of this milestone judgement. (...) These contracts stand as a stark testament to the disparities in the negotiations of these agreements between pharmaceutical companies and developing countries and raise several ethical and legal questions related to the issue of fairness, equity, solidarity and cooperation during a public health emergency."

02.10.2023 – Health Policy Watch

UN High Level Meeting Approves ‘Historic’ but Non-Binding Declaration on Pandemic Preparedness and Response

UN High Level Meeting Approves ‘Historic’ but Non-Binding Declaration on Pandemic Preparedness and Response
Foto von Matthew TenBruggencate auf Unsplash
02.10.2023 – Health Policy Watch

UN High Level Meeting Approves ‘Historic’ but Non-Binding Declaration on Pandemic Preparedness and Response

"A long-awaited political declaration by United Nations (UN) member states on more effective pandemic preparedness and response was approved at a High-Level Meeting (HLM) on Wednesday – without the anticipated political objections raised by 11 member states including Russia in a letter to the global body earlier in the week. The declaration is a milestone insofar as it signals recognition by the world’s heads of state that pandemic threats are existential threats, much more than simply health emergencies, said Carolyn Reynolds, co-founder of the Pandemic Action Network, which has pushed for a broader approach to pandemic preparedness and response since the onset of the COVID pandemic."

03.10.2023 – BMZ Germany

High-level forum: Pandemics – no time for neglect

Documentation and Recording of the High-Level Forum with Michael Ryan (WHO), Jean Kaseya (Africa CDC), Carolyn Reynolds Co-founder, Pandemic Action Network, Jeremy Farrar (WHO) and others

High-level forum: Pandemics – no time for neglect
Foto von JESHOOTS.COM auf Unsplash
03.10.2023 – BMZ Germany

High-level forum: Pandemics – no time for neglect

Documentation and Recording of the High-Level Forum with Michael Ryan (WHO), Jean Kaseya (Africa CDC), Carolyn Reynolds Co-founder, Pandemic Action Network, Jeremy Farrar (WHO) and others

"As the acute response to Covid-19 is coming to an end, we observe a drop in public and political attention to pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. Multiple other global crises, which also demand attention and put additional stress on public budgets, especially in low and middle income countries, amplify this development. But the next pandemic might be just ahead of us. Scientists forecast a growing risk of future pandemics due to population density, mobility, climate change, and biodiversity loss, making continued efforts for prevention and preparedness ever more important. There is no time for neglect."

La pénurie des personnels de santé

02.10.2023 – Health Policy Watch

Belgium to Put Health Workforce Crisis on EU Presidency Agenda for First Time in a Decade

Belgium to Put Health Workforce Crisis on EU Presidency Agenda for First Time in a Decade
Foto von JESHOOTS.COM auf Unsplash
02.10.2023 – Health Policy Watch

Belgium to Put Health Workforce Crisis on EU Presidency Agenda for First Time in a Decade

"Belgium, which takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Union in January 2024, plans to make the healthcare workforce crisis a central item on its agenda, the first time the issue will be prioritized at the highest level of EU policymaking in over a decade. “We are actively considering the health workforce and all the challenges around health workforces to be one of the main priorities of the Belgian presidency,” Lieven De Raedt, a strategic advisor on the international unit of the Belgian Federal Ministry of Health, told the European Health Forum in Gastein, Austria, on Thursday."

Les maladies chroniques

04.10.2023 – The Lancet

Women, power, and cancer: a need for change and a force for progress

A Lancet Commission

Women, power, and cancer: a need for change and a force for progress
Foto von Becca Tapert auf Unsplash
04.10.2023 – The Lancet

Women, power, and cancer: a need for change and a force for progress

A Lancet Commission

"Eliminating suffering from cancer requires action across all of society: governments, industry, academia, health-care institutions, non-profit organisations, and diverse communities. Everyone in society has a role in contributing to progress against cancer, ranging from adhering to cancer prevention approaches and working in communities to leading large organisations. In this context, women in particular bring unique and essential perspectives to every interaction, at every level of society. The Lancet Commission on women, power, and cancer presents a comprehensive, global view of how the unique difficulties that women face can limit their ability to overcome the challenges that cancer presents, both for themselves and for society overall. The Commission sheds light on important gaps in the oncology workforce, where many capable women are still held back from leadership opportunities due to long-held gender biases, workplace harassment, or lack of support or mentorship."

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Region: Lusaka / Sambia

Communications & Marketing Advisor (Junior) 100%
– Comundo

Communications & Marketing Advisor (Junior) 100%

Region: Lusaka / Sambia

" Your activities / tasks: As a Comundo co-worker, you will be part of Comundo’s country program in Zambia, ensuring that children and young people in Zambia receive a high-quality education in a safe learning environment. You will contribute to the improved funding and sustainability of Restless Development programmes that support young people to create change in their communities. This will be through strengthening the communications department, internally and externally with stakeholders and partners."

– Comundo

Spécialiste en communication 100%

Region: Cusco / Peru. Vous apporterez de l'innovation dans la communication de notre organisation partenaire afin de permettre un accès équitable à l'eau pour tou·te·s sur les hauts plateaux andins.

Spécialiste en communication 100%
– Comundo

Spécialiste en communication 100%

Region: Cusco / Peru. Vous apporterez de l'innovation dans la communication de notre organisation partenaire afin de permettre un accès équitable à l'eau pour tou·te·s sur les hauts plateaux andins.

"La Región del Cusco en el Sur Andino peruano, se caracteriza por su diversidad cultural, climática y biológica. Lo más llamativo es la existencia de las enormes desigualdades que existen sobre los dere-chos y el acceso al agua y las tierras. En los últimos años, el Gobierno ha ido dando en concesión a grandes proyectos mineros y de infraestructura, lo que pone en riesgo el acceso al agua de las pobla-ciones del sector rural, que están consideradas entre la población pobre. Los derechos humanos al agua, los derechos de los principios del convenio 169 de la OIT, los derechos reconocidos en la misma Constitución Peruana y en otros marcos legales parecen no valer para la población rural y amazóni-ca."


Global Health Challenges: Can investors and civil society work together?
11. octobre 2023 – 12:15 - 13:30 Hybrid: Auditorium Ivan Pictet, Geneva Graduate Institute, Maison de la paix and online

Global Health Challenges: Can investors and civil society work together?

Graduate Institute - Global Health Centre "Under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), countries have set an ambitious health policy agenda prioritising universal health coverage. The scale of investment needed for equitable access to health services means global health will be a key economic opportunity for decades to come. WHO estimates the funding needed to achieve the health-related SDG targets is US$134 billion per year, rising to US$274-$371 billion per year by 2030. WHO has called this the "SDG Health Price Tag." To cover the price tag and achieve the goals, new financing partnerships are vital. (...) The event aims to initiate a community of practice for long-term engagement between these stakeholders and provide an opportunity to create new forms of collaboration. Join us for a facilitated discussion with lively audience participation."

Medicus Mundi Suisse 50 ans: L'évolution du rôle de la société civile dans la coopération internationale en matière de santé et de santé globale
02. novembre 2023 – Volkshaus Basel, Schweiz

Enregistrez-vous ! Symposium MMS, le 2 novembre 2023

Medicus Mundi Suisse 50 ans: L'évolution du rôle de la société civile dans la coopération internationale en matière de santé et de santé globale

Medicus Mundi Suisse Medicus Mundi Suisse (MMS) célèbre cette année son 50ème anniversaire. À cette occasion, lors du symposium du jubilé, MMS examinera les changements et l’évolution du travail et du rôle de la société civile dans la coopération internationale en matière de santé et de santé mondiale.

Info-Veranstaltungen Entwicklungseinsatz
07. novembre 2023 – Dienstag, 7. November 2023, 18.30 Uhr, online per Zoom

Info-Veranstaltungen Entwicklungseinsatz

Comundo "Sie sind interessiert an einem aussergewöhnlichen Job im Ausland? An einer Erfahrung, die ihren Lebenslauf nachhaltig prägen wird? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihren Besuch an einer Info-Veranstaltung. Wir informieren Sie über: - Einsatzmöglichkeiten: Voraussetzungen für einen Einsatz, - unsere Rahmenbedingungen und Leistungen, - den konkreten Weg zum Einsatz. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Sie haben den Mut – wir das Know-how. Wir freuen uns, Sie kennenzulernen!"

Fast Tracks: Accelerating climate action to better meet growing needs
08. novembre 2023 – 09:30 - 17:30 CET; Campus Biotech 9 Chemin des Mines 1202 Genève Switzerland

Fast Tracks: Accelerating climate action to better meet growing needs

Climate Action Accelerator "As scientists warn that the climate crisis is unfolding faster than predicted, and that other planetary limits are increasingly overtaken, how can aid and health stakeholders respond to growing needs of populations while moving faster on reducing their emissions? The capacity of organisations to meet populations' needs in an equitable way may actually not be hampered but rather reinforced by ambitious climate strategies. How can solutions favour adaptation, resilience and mitigation together? Gathering our community of partners, experts, peers and colleagues across a variety of sectors, panellists and participants will share their views and practical experience in the face of this critical challenge."

DAS Health Care and Management: From Research to Implementation
18. mars 2024 – Location: Belo Horizonte, Allschwil, Switzerland

18 March - 21 June 2024; Application Deadline: 31 December 2023

DAS Health Care and Management: From Research to Implementation

Swiss TPH The Diploma of Advanced Studies in “Health Care and Management: From Research to Implementation” (DAS HCM) course provides international participants with the core competencies for understanding and reacting to health challenges at a world-leading institute in global and public health. Participants acquire a range of skills and knowledge needed to work as a public health professional in resource-constrained settings. With a focus on practical application and interactive training, multinational participants benefit from engaging with experts from various fields and with a diverse student body to advance their position in the health sector. - The DAS HCM can either be conducted full-time over 14 weeks or in a modular way over 2 – 3 years by doing a Certificate of Advanced Studies in “Health Research and Interventions” (CAS HRI) and a Certificate of Advanced Studies in “Health Systems and Management” (CAS HSM) and the final oral exam of the DAS HCM. The DAS HCM also serves as the core course for those who wish to pursue a Master of Advanced Studies International Health (MAS IH).